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*Frisk's POV*

When dinner had finished I walked over to my cell. G was walking behind me and I looked behind me innocently. Part of my face was covered by my hair. G groaned and the guards shifted uncomfortably next to us. I sat on the bed and saw that my music was lying there. Half of me knew that it was dead, so I tried it for shits and giggles. It actually turned on and showed it was at full power.

“Guess havin' a few friends works out well?” G asked as the metal door shifted shut.

I walked up to G and hugged him. I caught him off guard. She smiled and hugged me back.

“Thank you, G.” I said softly.

“No problem, Dove.” He told me.

G went over to the bed and sat down.

“Now, ya wanna go back to what we were doin' earlier?” G asked, a smirk replaced his genuine smile.

I rolled my eyes and put my headphones over G's head. He positioned it correctly and I started to play a favorite song of mine; Cradles by Sub Urban.

I sat on G's lap and began to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around my back. I wrapped my legs around G. He licked my lower lip for permission. I let him in and he began to explore my mouth. Our tongues danced and a fire of passion burned in my heart. G pulled my closer and gently put his hand in my hair, the other supporting me.  I slowly pulled away, saliva ran down my chin. Then I pulled off the headphones on G's head.

“I better not get any sexually transmitted diseases.” I warned G as I panted.

“Yeah, you can't get that since I've got magic.” He told me.

I nodded and kissed him for a good 5 minutes. When I pulled away, I turned off my music and yawned. G looked at me with a playfully bored look. I gently shoved him and got off his lap. He laid down and I laid down next to him, my head on his chest. I fell asleep.

*The next morning*

G woke me up and I got up. Our cell door was open and there was a goat monster standing in the cell. I crossed my arms and G got up defensively. The goat laughed.

“Lookey here, G is using another unsuspecting, whore.” The goat hissed venomously.

I growled and G stepped forward.

“Looks like your still dating your gym sock.” G retorted smartly.

The goat shook his head then struck G. G growled but I was already on the goat. He clawed at my arms as I held him in a headlock. He drew blood and I sank my teeth into his furry ear. I spat out the severed piece and the goat threw me off of him. I fell to the ground and he began to kick me in the stomach. G lunged at him but the guards already flooded into the room. Two of them picked me up and faced me towards the goat. Four held G back.

“Put this bitch in solitary confinement.” The goat spat in pain.

“Frisk!” G yelled.

I struggled against the guards.

“G! Please don't go after me!” I yelled as the guards dragged me out of the cell.

I spat onto he ground and the guards threw me into a dark room. Once the door shut the whole place was completely dark. I screamed and banged on the door. I then put my back against the door. I broke down and I heard G scream my name distantly. I cried and let my body shut down.

*G's POV*

The guards and prince Asriel left the cell. I screamed Frisk's name once again and sat on the ground. I put my head into my hands and growled. I realized that they hadn't taken Frisk's music. I turned it on and began to listen to it.

“Come on, lover boy, it's lunch time.” The guard told me.

I paused the music and let the headphones hang on my neck. I walked over to Frisk's usual table, not grabbing food. Everyone was already sitting there. I sat down and explained what happens to Frisk.

“We have to make a plan!" Scarlett said loudly.

“How do you think we do that, Mrs. Know-everything?” Alexis scoffed.

“How about G kills the guards that lead him to his cell, hides them in his cell taking the keys. Then he sneaks past the other guards and lets us out. Then Katie and I start a riot to distract the guards. G and Scarlett get Frisk out and we all gather in the kitchen. There is an exit door and that's out ticket out of here!" Frey explained.

I nodded my head in approval. Everyone else agreed and we all set off to work. I'm gonna get you, Frisk.

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