5-Group Effort

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*G's POV*

I let the guards lead me to my cell. I killed both of them silently and took their keys. I shoved them in my cell then went for Katie's and Frey's cells. I managed to pass some guards and hot both of them out. The smiled creepily and ran the opposite way. I let out Alexis and Scarlett. Alexis used her combat skills and killed a few guards. I heard an uproar and two sets of evil laughter.

“Let's get Frisk." I ordered them.

We walked down the hall and guards came at us.

*Frisk's POV*

I sat in my cell when I heard grunting and snapping. Then I heard evil laughter and a roar of a crowd. I looked out of the small slit in the door. I was meet with a familiar pinprick.

“G! Get me the hell out of here!” I yelled.

G messed with the keys and I waited for the door to open. He opened the door and I jumped into his arms. A tear slipped out of my eye as I hugged him.

“You were only in here for a few hours." G stated.

“A few hours of insanity.” I told him.

He laughed and he hugged me bark harshly. He pulled away and grabbed my hand. We ran down the halls and Frey and Katie met us. I saw blood on their clothes. I didn't question.

“Hey Frisk, why is there blood on your mouth?” Alexis asked as we ran.

“I bit off part of a guy's ear." I told her as G pulled open the door to the kitchen.

Inside was a cook. We all glared at him and he cowered in fear. We resumed running away when somebody shot at me. It squarely missed everybody. But it got my hair. I gasped and let go of G. I grabbed a knife and G snapped his fingers. He disappeared and I looked at the guy who shot my hair.

“You shot my hair!" I snarled.

Without hesitation I was on him and blood ran from his chest. I kept stabbing him and G was right behind me.

“Hey doll, your gonna make mush if ya don't stop.” He told me softly.

I dropped the knife and walked away like there wasn't obvious blood on my face and clothes. Not in my hair though, never in my hair. We walked out into the daylight and ran to a transportation police van. G slammed the door shut as I dove into the passenger seat. I literally jumped through the open window. G hotwired the van and we were off and away. I wiped my face with my sleeves. That brought my attention to my bloody hands.

“Frisk, Frisk are you okay?” Scarlett asked.

My hands twitched and her voice faded to the same part of my mind. I let my insanity take me. I felt a hard hand against my cheek. It was Alexis. G caught her wrist as she drew it back.

“Try that shit again, and you won't be able to fuckin' move.” G told her.

I wiped my hands on my jumpsuit. G bent down to grab something. I quickly caught the steering wheel. The police sirens blared behind us as we tore across the desert like land. G got back up with my clothes. I looked at him with a suspicious glare. He chuckled and put the clothes next to me. He grabbed the wheel. I unzipped my jumpsuit. G looked over at me and his eye sockets widened.

“Yeah, no G.” I told him as I pulled off the bloody clothes.

I put myself halfway out the window, my sports bra showing. Katie had already covered Frey's eyes. I let go of the jumpsuit and it landed on the windshield of the police car behind us. It turned to sharply, flipping over and hitting the police car behind it. They both blew up. I went back inside the van.

“Oops.” I said innocently.

G laughed and Alexis rolled her eyes. I put on my clothes and looked at G's neck.

“You have my music?” I asked him.

“Maybe...” He told me.

I looked at the back and saw that Frey and Katie were cuddling.

“Frey, Katie, take over up front.” I ordered them.

“Why?” Katie whined.

“Cuz i wanna cuddle with my fuckin' boyfriend!” I snapped at her.

G stopped the van and Katie mumbled something about G and I dating for one whole day and we're already playing grab ass. I laughed and G hesitantly went to the back of the van. He grabbed his clothes and we got into the back of the van. Katie started the van and we began to move forward. G unzipped his jumpsuit and pulled it down enough where his ribcage was showing. I was blushing harshly at the image of his exposed ribs and my headphones around his neck.

(Fuckin' @ me peoples!!!!!
ᕙ(>∆< )ᕗ~Kitt)

G chuckled once he saw me blushing. I looked away and waited for he to finish getting dressed. When I felt it was safe to look I saw he was laying his head on the side of the van. I smiled and crawled over to him. I could tell he was still awake. I sat on his lap and I kissed his forehead. He grabbed my waist and began to kiss me. Alexis was laughing and Scarlett was shaking her head.

“Get a room.” Katie said from up front.

I ignored them and kept kissing G. When I pulled away, G put the headphones on my ears. He put on a song and I got of his lap. I cuddled next to him, laying my head on his shoulder. He put an am protectively over me. I listened to the music until I fell asleep, next to G.

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