Ï caught You

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Yn POV : I'm suspecting that August is cheating on me. He has been leaving at all times of the night and smelling like all types of  perfumes. But imaa crazy ass girl and imaa find out if he cheating or not.I have a day of today from work and August doesn't no.So I drove one of my cars to my mom house so August thinks I'm going to work. My mom drove me back and drove back to her house with my car.I hid in one of my other cars in our drive way and waited for august to leave the house so I could sneak in our house.When August got into one of his other cars and left I snuck into our room.I hid in the closet and waited.He came back like 30 mins later and he wasn't alone. It was a female with him and I recognized that female voice. They began flirting and kissing. I felt so disgusted. The familiar female voice went into the bathroom to change her clothes. That was my time to confront him. I grabbed the bat in the closet and busted out the closet.

Me:"Really August You cheating on me ? I can't fucking believe you ! I knew you was !! "I said hitting him with the bat.

August:"Nobody is cheating on you !! Calm tf down and stop hitting me with that bat."he said tryna grab the bat.

Me:"So nobody is in the bathroom ? Who is the mystery lady in the bathroom because her voice is so familiar"I said opening the bathroom door.

I seen my bestfriend well ex bestfriend Tracy.Fuck Daa Bitch✌✌.I attacked her with the bat and threw the bat and fought her with my fists.August pulled me away from her.

Me:"I knew you had a thing for him.Yoooo!! Get tf out my house dirty bitch !! Get out ✌ & August let me go.I fucking hate you !! Andd in case you didn't Its Over."I said yelling at him.


That was a Lil short imagine.Vote and Comment Bitches ✌

August Alsina & Yn imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now