[11] Death And All His Friends

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"Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional."

-Roger Crawford

Atsuko made up her mind that she detested Haku; after she got out of here, she was going to find a bunch of sebon needles and chuck them at him and see how he liked it.


Holy... no way...

"You stupid boy!" Atsuko screamed at Naruto, who was kneeling down next to her. "Why the fuck are you here?!"

He instantly became upset, "I came to save you!"

"You can't save someone when you're going to die yourself!" Atsuko yelled, grabbing his orange collar, and shaking him slightly. "I don't know how you got in here... but get out while you can!"

"I can't..." Naruto whispered, gently removing her hand from his clothes. "I can't get out."


"Stupid boy..." Atsuko whimpered, tears starting to pour down her cheeks.

I don't want him to die.

He can't... he... he has to be the Hokage.

Another bout of needles suddenly was upon them, and without a second thought, Atsuko spread across herself across the blond, only wanting to protect him.

But there was no need.

A shadow fell across them both, and the two gasped, as Sasuke took more than enough hits.

"You two... are so... stupid!" He spluttered, as he hit the floor.

... no.

Please, no...

Atsuko dragged herself across the bloodied ground towards him, and lifted a shaking hand towards him.

"Sasuke... you stupid fuckass..." she mumbled, placing her hand on his arm, carefully avoiding his injuries.

"You're the stupid one," he whispered, as Naruto joined Atsuko's side.

"I guess I am," she murmured.

"I hate both of you... I was supposed to live... so that I could avenge my clan... and kill my brother..."

"You hate a lot of things... like your brother," Atsuko breathed, putting two and two together.

His brother must have murdered his family.

Oh God, Sasuke...

"It's worse for you..." Sasuke muttered.

It's true... if I die, I won't know further than the last week. It'll feel like I've done nothing at all.

It'll feel so short.

Atsuko whimpered a little, suddenly terrified at the idea of dying.

"Don't die Sasuke... I can save all of us!" Naruto exclaimed, clutching at the other boy's body.

"You said we're not going to die," Atsuko whispered, as Sasuke's hand suddenly gripped her arm. Their eyes met; a pale, dead blue clashing with fading onyx.

He has so much left to do. He has so much life to live...

He has to live...

Live Sasuke. Please, please live—

"I must've lied," he whispered.

Then his hand dropped, and his chest stopped rising.


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