Green apples ♤

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The first time I met the blonde princess was when I was 6 years old. My mom took me to Denmark, while I was on vacation and my dad was pretty busy at that time. I was too young to understand the word 'divorce'. I was always told by my nannies that mom and dad are obliged to work in different countries that's why they are apart and I needed to fly back and forth just to equally spend some time with them.

My mom graduated with honors in a prestigious university in Copenhagen. She was a very sophisticated and level headed woman. No wonder she was able to secure a spot as one of the  Danish king's most trusted advisers. The only rose among the thorns.

Respected and even admired by so many.

Just like my dad who was in the very same level with my mother. An achiever, superb, admired and quite reliable which led me to think that people are expected to function like them. 

Stupidity for me is completely unacceptable. 😑

As a kid who is foreseen to grow up like my intelligent parents, my mother never hesitated to introduce me to the Danish royal family at a very young age and was invited to eat breakfast with them. I was completely antsy as I was told that the 'two kids' will be joining us in a moment. I didn't  really care if they'll like me or not. I was even more worried, thinking that the two of them could spoil my stay in their palace. I wasn't the typical kid who just played around. At a very young age I felt like a grown up.

A pair of kids, one is brunette and the other blonde like the king himself, suddenly came into the room, whining and talking at the same time in their language which I was just learning at that time. My mother, who was seated beside me, patted my hand, gave me a glance and a simple smile.

The queen had spoken in English with a heavy accent and reprimanded the two.

Malthé was a plump boy who looked friendly and adorable, and Arabela was already a stunner even at a very young age. She was tiny, slender huge eyed and her cheeks were always flushed making her look like a scrumptious apple.

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