Knew it ♧

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Even though Arabela refused talking to me while we're on our way home, I knew she's totally disappointed. Eyes away from me and madly rubbing her hands against her lap.

I don't regret a single thing. I knew it was only proper to remind that hell of a duke at how should this sulking bean should be treated. She isn't just some gal he can mess with. This grumpy blonde had a diadem on her head.

She's a fvcking princess.

Despite being a little mad, I was able to ask her if she had eaten;

"Have you eaten. Are you hungr-"

"NO!" 😡

She was frowning and in crossed arms.

Calm thyself, Namjoon. Chill.

"Okay. Do you want to eat."


Calmly, I loosened my grip on the steering wheel. She's acting like a child again. 😑

"Well, are you that ANGRY?"

"NO!!!! I MEAN YES. 😠😡"

I stopped the car and silently asked her to open up about it. As though my  calmness added to her madness, she finally blurted out;

"Why?! What's wrong with spending some INTIMATE time with my boy-"

I raised a finger on her  telling her to shut up. She was unable to complete the word however, she lashed at me again, this time, really upset. Hands waving here and there... face truly crimsoned in madness.

"You rejected me for how many times and now that I'm happy with someone else, you're messing around! What is your problem Kim Namjoon?!"

I shrugged;

"I don't have a problem, Ara. I'm just not convinced and I'm just doing my job."

She chuckled in disbelief;

"Sure. Your job. Your fucking job... you didn't have to come back... I was on my way to recovering and moving on... And not just convinced huh? When you even kissed me! Stop meddling between my boyfriend and me!"

This time I crossed ng arms and eyed her.

"You call this guy your boyfriend? Like how come this guy magically turned everything around in such a short span of time when you were painfully in love with me half of your life? Huh."

This time, tears began to appear in her eyes.

"Bold of you to assume that it's hard for me to move on. Look, I'm trying my best to be happy and you know what? I realized that you're really no good for me and I need to stop chasing, wishing and trying so damn hard in making my self believe that you'll ever look my way. I'm done, okay? So let me live my life... go ahead, do your job but please while doing it, respect how I feel."

I fell speechless at what she said...

And felt a little guilty too.

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