You thought. ♧

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Another day passed by and the Danish princess wasn't still 'friendly' or at least 'civil' to me. Breakfast was either a series of bickering or silent attacks and everytime I see her, she would glare at me and turn around. I thought it was cute because Ara, despite the age, still remained that child-like demeanor whenever she feels disappointed. By afternoon, I was told that she roamed around the gardens.

And she roamed at a certain garden that I never like visiting. 😣

The pet garden or graveyard rather...

For some reason I never wanted to explore that part of the castle. It's beautiful but it always gave me a different feeling. 😑 imagine...even the pets of the great monarchs of Denmark are burried there. I'm a dog person but that idea and place?...NAH.

"Kindly summon the princess to hurry back as it might

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"Kindly summon the princess to hurry back as it might..."

I glanced at the window;

"A strong pour might occur."

"Yes sir."

It didn't take take that long when the servant went back and gave me a piece of paper. A word written with what appeared to be crayon.

Come and get me.

Seriously? She knows me well. Ara knew about my distaste towards the idea of visiting that area. It's an excuse for her to stay longer. 😑 I worriedly looked at the window and realized that I don't have much time to convince her. A bit annoyed, I rose from the single couch where I was peacefully seated and binging on a science-based book.

"Dont worry, I'll get her."

I politely told the servant and gave the man a smile. He bowed to me before stepping out of the room. Without wasting another minute, I proceeded to that creepy area. 😐


I reached the place and well, it wasn't as bad as how I always imagined it. It's a beautiful graveyard yet I could never forget how it looked like when I've seen it years ago. Even though it was well-tended, it still gives me the creeps.

Unfortunately, I spotted Ara in a farther part. I had to walk a little more  and it's making me feel uncomfortable.  😑
She was in front of a small gravestone, she had this sad yet a bit disappointed look on her face.  When I came to view and she saw me, her expression changed.

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