IF ◇

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She was 19...

"Just one dance...please Adviser Kim..."

For the whateverth time, the Danish princess did nothing but follow me around. The party was filled with dashing princes from different countries and she only had her eyes on me. Begging for a dance. Something that I would never EVER do.

"It's a beautiful ball, let's not waste it and just dance with me please?! Remember you ditched me at my 18th birthday. You came pretty late when you should be my partner...you never even danced with me. Am I not pretty enough? Am I not sexy enough?... I k-know I'm not that smart but I'm a nice person. I can love you forever! Isn't that enough?? 😢"

I stopped and spun and stared at her for moment.

Tear stricken face.

Yet defiant. Persistent. She wouldn't leave me alone.

"Aren't you aware that you're not supposed to be wooing a commoner, princess?"

She stomped her foot and in an adorable ugly face retorted;

"I don't care! Then I don't want to be a princess anymore. Look, Kim Namjoon, I didn't force myself to fall head over heels in love with you. Things like this are inevitable...and...why won't you at least give me a chance..."

*Sobs in a very drama queen-like way* 

I sighed. Tbh, Arabela isn't that bad. Although I prefer more matured ladies. I'm the type who would go for older women. Someone I can sensibly converse with.

I sighed in resignation. No matter how many times I've subtly rejected here, still here she is begging for me to give her a chance.

As quick as lightning, an idea suddenly consumed me. Maybe I should challenge her into something that I'm quite certain of her defeat.


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"Okay. I'm going to give you a chance. Graduate from the university with awards or honors. I'm not asking you to be on top but something your parents would be proud of. Prove yourself."

She brushed off her tears with the back of her hand.

"I c-can do that! 😢"

"It doesn't end there. Follow me in Stanford."

At that part she was obviously taken aback.

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