~*The Park*~

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Some Music:

Asuis POV

"Hey" L/N said.

"Hey" I said.

I kind of just sat there awkwardly. I never expected this to happen. She just closed her eyes and leaned back. She was listening to music. I could only make out a few words. 

Devil town, cold, summertime, settle, two birthdays...

I traveled my eyes around the park, I knew it quite well because I used to visit it when I was younger. Nothing was new except for the girl sitting next to me. My eyes wandered to her. I observed her. I kind of felt like a stalker, since she was unaware that I was staring. 

I looked a her wings. They were long, and big. They had a W/C color. I was very tempted to trace the lines and creases in her wings, but resisted knowing I shouldn't. I looked at her H/L, H/C hair. It was pretty... My eyes traveled down to her clothes, she was wearing a cute cactus sweater and some simple jeans. 

HoW qUiRkY

I laughed gently to myself.

I than turn back and see that L/N had opened her eyes and is looking directly at me.



I heard a laugh, Tsu had been very quiet, so I wanted to know what was so funny. She was facing the other way. She turned back around and faced me, and her eyes went wide. I could see a soft blush on her face, but thought nothing of it.

"What was so funny?" I asked, but not in a mean tone or anything.

"I-i u-uh, uhm, y-you see..." Tsu stuttered, waving her hands in front of her face.

"Were you looking at me? Were you laughing at me" I say, getting close up to her.

" I, uh, sorry..." Tsu say, guiltily.

"Oh, so you admit you were making fun of me?" I say."

"Um, how can I make it up to you?" Tsu says, obviously sorry.

"Hm, how about calling me by my first name?" I say, our noses only a couple of inches apart.

"Uh, ok, Y/N..." Tsu mumbles, embarrassed. 

"I have to go now, bye Tsu!" I say, whilst beginning to run off.

Before I'm out off sight I stick my tongue out at Tsu with a weird expression on my face, but it wasn't in a mean way, more like, we're friends, so it's ok to make fun of each other.

Asuis POV

I have a dumbfounded look on my face. I barely know L/N, yet she already wants to be on a first name basis. I mean, that's just insane. And, how will our classmates react? It's only been one day since pretty much all of us met. I just really hope everything will be fine.

~ time skip brought to you by Todoroki being gayyyyy ~


Classes today were so far alright. Except for maybe English, Present Mic is a cool teacher and all, but does he have to shout everything? Only a little blood came out of my ears though, so it's fine. 

~ present time ~

We're having a class with All Might now! I'm so excited! Although I lived in America, I looked up to him a lot! 

I change into my hero costume, which looks really cool. It was designed to be very flexible and work with my quirk. ( I imagine it being like this, but in red. But what it looks like is completely up to you, reader~chan!)

In this training, there are going to be teams of villains and heroes, the heroes try to capture the villains or retrieve the bomb

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In this training, there are going to be teams of villains and heroes, the heroes try to capture the villains or retrieve the bomb. The villains either capture he heroes, or protect the bomb until time runs out. Yaoyorozu and I played on the defensive and we did pretty well. The heroes got through Momos barricades, but we were prepared and managed to capture them. I was pretty proud of how well we did. 

For the rest of the time I studied the battles. Paying especially close attention to Tsu, making sure everything was ok. I guess this was because we're friends. I watched all the battles, and memorized everyone's fighting style.

In the end I congratulated Tsu and everybody else. The rest of the day was pretty normal, up until Midoriya came back. Everybody except for a few people got really excited and introduced themselves to him. I sighed and smiled. 

"Hey, I'm Y/N L/N" I said, but there was too much commotion, so I just sat back down.

I saw Tsu come back to her seat, probably because of all the chaos too.

"Hey, Tsu" I said.

"Hey, Y/N..." Tsu said very awkwardly.

"You guys are on a first name basis?" Jiro asked.

"Yup!" I said happily.

"Thats only because you forced me to..." Tsu said.

"Aw! That's mean!" I teased, pretending to pout.

Tsu frowned, disgruntled. Jiro just walked back to her seat.

"Ok, ok! I'm sorry!" I said, now myself feeling a little bad. "Hey, do you wanna walk home together today?"

Tsu just looked at me funny.

"Ah, sorry I ever asked. I know we just met and all." I said.

"No, it's fine, Kero. We can walk home together." Tsu said solemnly.

"Really? That's great!" I said, maybe a bit too excited. I had just out of my seat and was cheering happily. Tsu just chuckled. I got a little red, embarrassed. 

~ time skip brought to you by Iida telling you to have proper manners ~

Asuis POV

Y/N and I walked along the edge of the road. It was a lot of awkward silence. I really hoped we could become proper friends soon, so it wouldn't be like this. I know she wouldn't let me not be her friend. I wanted to be every bodies friend, but not forcibly.

Y/N house came before mine, so we parted ways. She went inside her house, but I lingered there for some reason. I'm not really sure why though. I kind of just stood there, not looking at Y/N house, but rather into space

I heard a crash, suddenly.


Woah, 1,032 words! I feel awful about how long it took me to complete this chapter, and how I wasn't staying on schedule. I'm really sorry. I kept on getting distracted with a dog and all that. I promise to try harder. My intention was to do two updates, one shorter chapter (about 300-500 words) and one longer chapter (1,000 words). I feel like this chapter was very drawn out, because I wanted to get to 1,000 words. A lot of it is very useless, and not important to the story. I never really had a script for this, so it's all at the top of my head. Once again, I apologize. Anyway, here's a bonus song.

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