vent and conformation

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Since this book ended a while ago, I feel like I have the right to vent here. Is that wrong???

Ok, for starters my gender. I'm gender fluid, bi, but I was born as a girl. I think that should be confirmed since this is female reader, but my other books are male reader.

I will not be saying my age, as I do not feel comfortable with that.

Ok, now I vent.

I was meant to graduate this year. It was something I was really excited for. But, quarantine kinda ruined this. I missed so many events that were privilege for my grade because of it. I also can barely see my mom. I want to cry all the time.

Things that were a comfort to me are no longer a comfort. I feel kinda numb. I miss my friends so much. Why couldn't it have been only 2 weeks? 

Over this time my trust issues have worsened. A lot has happened, and I feel like the only one I can trust is myself. I've been betrayed too often. Why did this have to happen?

I feel kinda sick.

Simple (Tsuyu Asui x Fem! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now