~*lies and confessions*~

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Tsu's crying. She's running away, and crying. I march straight up to Hikaru.

"You took it too far!" I shouted, slapping him across the face, although now I realize it wasn't rational. I rush away after Tsu, leaving him there stunned, mouth agape, still next to Ashido. As I ran, I could hear  Mina telling Hikaru off, and my stomach began to twist into all sorts of weird knots. I felt bad for lying, dragging Hikaru into this, making Tsu upset, slapping Hikaru.

I finally slow to a stop, Tsu sitting on a bench. I'm panting, and sweating, wincing from messing up my arm and leg in the casts so soon.

She's alone. Not a single person stands by her and I. The air is thick, and now I was sweating from other things besides running. I knew I had to confess now, or our entire friendship would be over. I squeeze my eyes shuts, remembering the times we spent together, in case this all goes down the drain. With just  barely enough confidence, I force my wobbly legs over to her.

"Hey, I know you might not want to talk right now..." I sigh, placing myself next to her.

No response.

"Ugh, I'm so sorry. Look, Hikaru isn't really my boyfriend. It was a lie, a sham, a mirage. I only just recently met him, and I asked him to fake it, to, well..."

She makes eye contact with me, asking me to go on.

"...To make you jealous. I wanted you to be jealous. Because, I like you."

I pause.

"No, Tsuyu Asui, I love you."

She says nothing.

"And I'm prepared for cold hard rejection. I've been unfair to you. I guess in the end, it was really me who was jealous. I forgot who we were to each other, because I wanted to be noticed by you."

There's silence for a solid five minutes.

"You can hit me, you know? I've been such a terrible person to you." I tremble. I turn to face her, she's crying, but smiling. 

Quicker than I could have ever imagine, I feel soft lips place theirs upon mine. I smile and kiss back. Her kiss reminds me of a rainy evening, but a nice one. One where you play in puddles with your friends, and look at pretty rainbows. And when you're done you go inside and watch a movie and cuddle while in your pajamas. 

"I love you too Y/N L/N." She whispers and wraps her arms around my neck. I hug back.

"Wait we have to hurry back to Hikaru, and I need to apologize! I may or may not have slapped him irrationally and then let Ashido yell at him..." She grabbed my hand, and we sprinted back.

By the time we were back there, it was all chaos. All of the girls were yelling at Hikaru now, and some students had randomly been turned into stone.

"Ashido, wait! Hikaru's innocent, I asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend!" I call out. She stops and so do all the other girls. 

"Also, I think Tsu and I are dating now but that hasn't been confirmed. And Hikarus story is one for another time." I smile, exasperted.

"Ok, girlfriend." Tsu slyly grins, and gives me a peck on the cheek. I know I'm blushing.

"Also, I'm sorry for roping you into this Hikaru."

"You better be, you owe me big time." he eye rolls but smiles.

"Any idea of what I can do now?"

"Yeah, introduce me to the blondie, he's cute." Hikaru says, making explosion like gestures on top of his head, and I could only guess who that could be.

Everybody went their separate ways. Ashido fawning over Tsu and I. Mot of the boys exiting normally. Hikaru trailing after Bakugou, leaving about 5 or so kids still stone, and Tsu and I holding hands.


I barely proof-read this. Anyway, yep this pretty much concludes this. Sorry I've been inactive for so long. This has been a long journey, and I'm glad I've finally reached the end of it. Thank you for reading this. Please check out my other stories. And thats about it.

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