~*Shakespeare and UwUs*~

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Tsus POV

"Hahah, thanks Tsu! Although, O+ is a bit bland, I prefer rarer types!" Y/N says to me, as I hand her a small vial of O+ blood

"That was the only type they were willing to give me, ribbit. Do you know how rare AB+ is?" I say to her, watching her chug the bottle of blood.

"Woah! How tired was I?" Y/N says with a refreshed expression.

I chuckle. "Does blood work a miracle, ribbit?" 

"No, but it's really good for me! It's actually packed with rich nutrients! It relieves any minor pains, headaches, and helps me fight infections and disease. It overall makes my body stronger, so it's really helpful in fighting! So yeah, I guess it's one hell of  medicine!" Y/N rambles.

"Kero, did you just say the h word?" I gasp.

"My my, I'm so sorry thou have sinned! I promise thy shall be kinder to the gods. Hang me, or cut off my head,I know I will never be enough after what I have done. For, now I shall never see the beautiful sunrise again with the beauty in the room who has accused me of these unholy actions!" Y/N cries out dramatically, using all these hand motions, although limited by her casts, and pointing to me when she said beauty in the room.

I go bright red, shock filling my body. Did Y/N just call me...beautiful? 

"Tsu, are you okay? You look as red as the blood I just drank!" 

"Y-yeah, just feeling a little sick! I may have a fever, y'know? A bit under the weather, although that doesn't make sense. Well anyway have a fun time drinking blood! Uh, see you in while, crocodile..?" I stuttered out, my voice cracking all over the place, whilst also quickly rushing out of the building.

Ugh, I'm such an idiot. Really, Tsu? See you in a while, crocodile? How could I get so flustered, especially in front of my best friend/crush?? 

I stand waiting for the bus, lost in thoughts, constantly face-palming myself mentally for all my mistakes. Drip, drop..rain. Great, just great! I was totally in the mood for getting wet! Ugh, can this day get any worse? I look, waiting for the bus, a car suddenly speeding by, whipping up mud and water, and oh just coincidentally hitting me right in the face. Awesome, now I'm covered in mud and dirty water.

"DAMN  IT!" I shout

I turn around, searching desperately for someone to help me. As i'm begging for a napkin of some sort, anything to help me, I see Y/N staring out her hospital window. Did she just see that..? Dread fills me, realizing that of course she did. She was just the type of person who would make sure you'd get out okay. The bus comes, so I quickly get on, pretending none of this ever happened. 

I get in the shower, obviously to get all this dirt off my body, and I'm sobbing uncontrollably. i end up singing corny love songs an thinking off stupid tik toks in the shower. I step out, changing into some comfy pjs. I sigh, as I grab my phone, thinking that I should message Y/N to apologize.

 I sigh, as I grab my phone, thinking that I should message Y/N to apologize

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