Chapter 5 ~ The Fire

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I web swing to a building and start swinging near the pile of rubble that used to be the old lab. I sit on the building, pull up my halo screen and start pinpointing where each person was when the explosion happened. Researchers still don't know what or who caused the explosion and heroes are still trying to figure it out. I have thought about contacting shield, but I realized that then I would have other villains on my tail like the sinister six and more. I do not need that to happen to I keep a low profile in hero form when it comes to S.H.I.E.L.D. While I was working through, I hear screams coming from a building. I swing over to what seems to be a fire. People are screaming and running to the fireman. Then I see a mother holding her baby looking for something. I jump to her and ask her what she is looking for. "M-my daughter, my precious child is still in there!" the mother says crying while holding the newborn baby in her arms. "Where is she in the building miss, I need to know," I ask. "The third floor I don't think the firemen and the heroes will find her in time, please hurry!" she asks still crying. "Don't worry, I will find her, go to the firemen though and tell them. They can also help you and your baby" you tell her while swinging to the building. You get inside and hear crying. You web away from the ruble, enter one of the rooms and see a little girl holding a lamb plushie tightly in her hand. "It's ok, ill get you out of here." The little girl is hesitant and backs away from me. "You have to trust me," I tell her. She nods her head and lets me hold her in my other hand. I swing out of the building just in time and land safely on the ground with the little girl

Spiderman's pov

I swing around the building, unable to find the girl. All of a sudden, I hear cheers from the ground. I swing over to the noise and I see the little girl with another hero. She looks like she has my powers too, but how did she find the girl so fast. Maybe she has a different power along with my powers. I look at the little girl happy that she was found and that we have a new hero in town. Just before I can stop this new hero, she swings away really fast. I decide to follow her and try to get her attention. "HEY, HOLD UP" I yell. I web her feet before she can swing again but accidentally make her fall on her face. "That hurt," she says while getting the webbing off her feet. "Oops sorry about that, I just thought I could ask you something," I say hoping she won't swing away again. "Ok sure fire away, not every day I get webbed by Spider-man." She says as she gets up. "Have you considered joining S.H.E.I.L.D?" I ask. "Kinda, I've been working on the explosion case, I just don't want any villains targeting me." She says finally get the last bit of webbing off. "I could ask S.H.E.I.L.D, but after what you did today, I think you're going to get a visit," I say. "Ok, ill think about it, I should go now, nice meeting you Spider-Man," she says as she is about to swing off again. "Wait! What's your name!" I yell after her. "My name is Shadow Spider!" She yells as she swings away. "Shadow Spider, neat..." I say as I swing away back to Aunt May's. 

I get home through my window and sit on my bed. "So, a new spider in town? I guess she got a bite too." Ned says while fooling around with my extra web-shooters. "Ned! How did you get here! Hey, that's mine" I say while grabbing the web-shooters from him. "Relax, I was just seeing what I can add. Like instant killing webs! He yells in excitement. "Also, aunt may let me in soo" Ned continues. "Oh ok? Also yeah, there is a new spider. How do you know?" I say while putting my web-shooters away. "It's on T.V plus word gets around fast. Check it out" Ned says while putting on the T.V. "A hero named Shadow Spider emerges and saves the life of a little girl in a blazing fire. But there are questions in the air about this new hero. Who is she, Why is she here and Will she help the world make a better place" The news reporter says dramatically," Ned shuts off the T.V and gets some coke from the table. "I wonder if she has other powers?" Ned says while opening the bottle of coke. "I think she does but ill makes sure later," Peter says while changing into some normal clothes. He yawns and puts away his suit. "I'm going to bed now, bye Ned," Peter says while rubbing the back of his neck. "Ok cya," Ned says. Ned walks out and Peter gets ready to go to sleep. But he was still thinking about the new hero he talked too...


I was typing this on a car ride home with my little sister sooo if there are any spelling mistakes tell me ok. Thats all I have to say. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

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