Chapter 12 ~ Glitch

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I walk to school a little scared and a little nervous. Peter and I... kissed last night. I did not know he liked me that way, well I kinda knew but now it's clearer. I like him back too. I see him at the front of the school and walk up to him. "Hi Peter," I say smiling at him. "Oh, hi Y/N, um, I had fun with you last night," he says, blushing a little. "I had fun too" I exclaim, now blushing too. "I have something to tell you later, can you meet me at the park fountain after school is done. I nod my head and we walk inside.

Time Skip

I walk to the fountain still nervous. I see Peter and walk up to him. "What did you want to tell me?" I ask. "I-I was wondering if you would like to be my...g-girlfriend," he says while looking straight at me. God, I never saw this side of him before. "Of course!" I shout, then we start hugging each. We stop hugging and look at each other. Then we kiss. When we finish, I ask, "So we are a thing now". I smile and blush a little. "Yup we are!" he says happily then kissing me on my head.

Another Time Skip (I'm lazy ok!)

I swing over to the avengers and I see spider-man being teased by the guys. "Our Spider-boy is turning into Spider-man officially now!" Iron man exclaims. "What did I miss?" I ask. "The man of spiders finally found his queen," says Thor, chuckling with the avengers. "Spider-man that's great!" I say happily to him. It was great he finally found the one, ill tell him later I did too. "When can we meet her?" Black Widow says jokingly. "Umm...soon I guess ill ask. She does not know I'm Spider-man." "Spider-man, can I talk to you later, I tell you something," I say. "Oh, sure oh and by the way-AUGH!!!!!!". Before he can finish my sentence, a smoke bomb goes off in the room. I hear an evil cackle near me, and the scary part is, I know who it is. Glitch. I use my night vision that I implemented in my suit to find him. HE IS ABOUT TO STAB IRON MAN! I web Iron man quickly away from him. "Thanks, Shadow," says Iron man as he realizes what could have happened. Glitch then teleports behind Spider-man and tries to attack him. "Spidey look out!" I say, trying to warn him. Luckily, he sees Glitch and dodges quickly. He kicks him to the other side of the room. "Ok, you need to put night vision in my suit," he says jokingly. Glitch suddenly shuts off the power. Then my night vision stopped working, it's glitching like crazy. I could not see anything. Then someone put a gag on my mouth. My mask could not prevent the smell. I heard people yelling and then darkness...

An hour later...

I woke up in a dark room, tied up to a chair. I heard noises from behind the door in front of me. They underestimated me, perfect. I easily untie myself and climb onto the wall. My kidnappers come in. "O-oh god, Boss won't be happy about this!" says one of the guys. "Let's look outside!" says the other one. They run out of the room. I chuckle and climb the ceiling. Then I see Glitch. I decided to listen to what he is saying. "All I need is that scientist's daughter, that spider, the weapon and my plan will be complete. The scientist's daughter is the one who created the machine with her parents. She will help me whether she likes it or not." After I heard this, I freeze. With the machine me and my parents created, he can give other people powers...even steal them. The machine was supposed to help people defend places that need more protection but it had a malfunction. Scientists stopped the project before something bad could happen. I did not know it was still somewhere in the world. I am the only one alive who can fix it and use it. He also might need me because to start the machine now you need a lot of power and energy which I can help him with my electric shock power I guess. He could use it on us and grow more powerful! I had to get out of here and tell everyone. All of a sudden, I hear something behind me. I turn around and I see Spider-man! "Well so much for rescuing you" he whispers while giving a thumb up. "Oh, shush now let's get out of here, I need to tell you everything" I whisper back, as I take a picture of the screen he was in front of with his plans. We are able to get out quickly. I hope that we can stop him in time before he finds out where Y/N is now...

Spiderman's pov

Shadow Spider looked very nervous after we escaped Glitch. I wonder what happened before I came. "Hey Shadow, are you good?" I ask. "O-oh um yeah, I am good. I have to go now, someone I know might get worried if he realizes, I'm not home." She says, still nervous. "Here I'm sending you guys what I saw and what I know ok, by the time you get to the Avengers, it should be ready for you to see" I nod my head, still worried. She swings away and I go tell the avengers. I read the message and when I see Y/N's name, I freeze. I should go check if she is alright. I will not let Glitch harm her.

I head to Y/N's home to see how she is. I've been busy so I wanted to visit. I knock on the door but, no answer. I open the door to see if she is there but no sign of her. I was a little worried, so I called out her name. "Y/N! Are you here!" I yell, but no answer. Then I hear a loud bang from her room. I don't want to enter it because well, it's her room but I do it anyway. I see her looking out the window. "Oh, hey Peter!" she says, then hugging me. "Hey Y/N, did you hear that sound, I thought you were in trouble or something," I say while studying the room. She shakes her head no so I walk out with her. "Why did you visit?" she asks, worried something happened. "Oh, I just wanted to see you for fun," I say, happy she is alright. Then, a crash from the window happens. Everything is glitching out in the room. It's Glitch! "Hello children, I just came to grab something, her! He says. He teleports behind Y/N and tries to grab her. I push Glitch away, grab Y/N and run out of there. No one is taking Y/N on my watch!


HELLOOOO MY AMAZING READERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a few things to say. First..IM MOVING! So I'm trying to post at many chapters as I can just in case things get busy. Also, remember to vote and to give me feedback on this story. I want to make sure all readers of this book enjoy it. Thats all I have to say. GALAXY WOLF OUT!!!!!!!!! ✨🐺✨

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