Chapter 14 ~ The Battlefield

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I hear screams and chaos coming from the ground. Glitch is going on a rampage and he finally found where the machine was. I land beside Spider-man AKA Peter. "He has it, we have to stop him before he tries to use it on us," I say while studying the environment. Complete Chaos. Some of the Avengers try to calm everyone down while the others focus on reaching Glitch without dying. I help take the civilians to the hideout. S.H.E.I.L.D designed a fortress for the civilians when it's too dangerous for them. While I'm helping people get to safety, I see the little girl with her mom and the baby. The one I saved from the fire. "A-are we going to be o-ok?" she asks while clinging on to her lamb plushie and mom. I'm a little surprised she asked that, but I understand how scared she is. "Don't worry, everything will be fine, just get to the safe spot ok," I reassure her. She nods her head. As I'm walking away though, the little grabs my leg and hugs me tightly. "Be careful" she says. I nod my head at her. She lets go and finally leaves with her mom. After listening to that girl, I focus on one thing. Destroying Glitch for all he has done.

 I turn invisible and attack him from behind. He does not see me, so he falls down and is surprised to see me. "Oh, great Shadow Spider, can you leave or take a break for one day? He says as we fight in the chaos. The Avengers try to reach us but the robots are stopping them. He tries punching me, but I grab his fist before he can. "Sorry, but evil like you never take a break either," I say with a smirk as I pin him to the ground and electrocute him. Spider-man swings over and webs him up. "Quickly, before he-" I say but it is too late. His eyes change and the ground starts to shake. Then these robots come out of the ground and throw me into Spider-man, causing us to fall onto the ground. "I have had enough of you spiders and Avengers, always ruining my fun! So, how about I have all the fun this time!" He shouts while laughing his head off. He is a psycho! The robots have lasers, drills, spears, and all these weapons! The Avengers and I start fighting the robots. I quickly dodge one and talk to Iron man. "Sir, what do we do, they are too strong!" I say while dodging more attacks. "I know but we can't give up, I tried to stop the robots by hacking into them but he notices and stops me," he says as he uses his laser beams on one of the robots, damaging it a little. Thor summons his good old thunder and is able to get rid of some of the robots. Black Widow and Hawkeye try to get to Glitch but he notices them and a robot punches them away. 

 "Give up now heroes! I know all your weaknesses and powers!" Glitch says as he controls all of them. Wait, the robots have a weakness too! If Glitch gets distracted, he might stop them, giving us a chance to stop him. "Hey Glitch! You say you're soooo powerful, but you can't even kill us, what kind of villain are you!" I yell while smirking mischievously. Spider-man realizes what I'm doing and joins in. "Yeah, you stabbed me but look, I still here! GET REKTED BOI!" he yells. I laugh a little and look back at Glitch. He looks like he is going to explode. "WHAT!!!!!" he says as he jumps off his pedestal. "You dare insult me! I am the great and powerful GLITCH!" he yells as he tries to hurt us again with the robots. Everything around us starts glitching out. "Yeah, I do, so come a get me you virus!" I yell back at him and I swing over all the robots and him. He chases after me with one of our robots. He tries to stab me so I try to dodge it but the robot's weapon grazes me on my side. I hold in my noise and keep swinging (Just keep swinging just keep swinging just keep swinging swinging swinging - I'm sorry I had to, tell me if you know the reference). I use my other hand to web the robot and electrocute it. It falls down, leaving Glitch to chase me. 

I must get him away from everything and to the docks. I make it to the docks in one piece and wait. He jumps in the air and lands right in front of me. "You will die you pathetic spider, you ruined my plans and now I need to find that silly scientists daughter again! If I don't because of you, I will kill everyone and everything in this bloody horrible world that you and the heroes defend for and love!" He says as he gets closer to me. I back away from him, looking for a way out of this. "What happened Spider, you were sooo confident a second ago, what's the sudden change," he says. Then out of nowhere, a robot appears behind me. It punches me and then kicks me to the ground. I try to get up, but the stupid robot electrocutes me. I feel volts of electricity go through my body. I scream because of the pain. I look up and see Glitch walking towards me. He gets down one knee and looks at me straight at my eyes. My mask is ripped, and my suit is torn. I have cuts and wounds all over me. "Now, I want to see who you actually are Shadow Spider," he says as he grabs my mask and tries to pull it off. I try to hold onto it, knowing its the only thing thats keeping me from hurting the people I know and love. He manages to rip it off from my head though. Leaving me there with no mask, tears in my eyes, and finally revealing who I am...I'm sorry Peter...

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