New Addition

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A/N: There will be a word in this chapter I know people won't like. I personally don't like the word but I am sticking with how they spoke back then.

As her belly grows the more excited Alexander gets, there isn't a day going by that he makes sure Claire isn't overstressing. She finds it adorable, she's never seen anyone act like this over a baby. Especially a slaves baby, she smiles rubbing his hair as he lays on her plump belly. She is wedding planning, the day for their wedding is coming down more and more. They know it's illegal, which is why they are eloping with a trusted priest to do the wedding. They hold it in the backyard a few days later in Max's orchid. It was a beautiful service, Claire couldn't get a wedding dress, So Nattie altered Alexander's mother's wedding dress for her. She made a crown out of flowers for her vail. The wedding was wonderful, the reception afterwards, wasn't all that grand. Claire finds the priest getting a plate of food of home cooked food that Nattie and Claire russled up for everyone.

"Reverend, I just want to thank you for everything. It was mighty kind of you to do the service-" starts Claire.

"Yeah well if it wasn't for that man in there I wouldn't have done it at all!" says the priest.

"Whatever do you mean?" asks Claire.

"Damn you and that husband to hell!" says the priest.

She didn't know what to say so just stands there stunned.

"You and that bastard child shall burn in hell. There are laws like what we have because of this," says the priest.

"God wouldn't allow it?" asks Claire.

"Of course not stupid child! Interracial marriages?! Who heard of such a thing?" says the priest.

"But there is Italian people and French people getting together ain't there?" asks Claire, confused.

"That's different!" says the priest.

"How so?" asks Claire.

"A nigar with a white person! Shame on you all! Go. to. Hell!" says the priest.

Claire normally isn't one to cry but this completely broke her, she runs out crying going out of the house. The priest comes out a second later with his plate of food.

"What did you say to my wife?!" asks Alexander.

"I just told her the truth, a black woman and a white man shouldn't marry," says the priest.

"You said more than that! My wife doesn't cry!" says Alexander.

The priest shrugs it off going to sit down. Max grabs Alexander's wrist stopping him from hitting the priest.

"Go comfort her and find out what happened," says Max.

Alexander isn't too happy about this but knows Max is right that he needs to talk to Claire. He goes after her, she holds onto him crying her eyes out. He helps her into his lap rocking her gently rubbing her back. It takes a few minutes but Claire does come out saying what's bugging her. Alexander kisses her forehead leading back into the Parlor. He leads her upstairs helping her out of the dress and into his shirt knowing that she loves having it on. He tucks her into bed before getting up.

"Where are you going?" asks Claire.

"I'm going to take care of it, nobody will talk to you like that I don't care who it is," says Alexander.

"You can't change his mind," says Claire.

"No but I can get him out of my father's house," says Alexander.

He goes downstairs picking the priest up by the collar leading him out the door. Max and Nattie follow him confused on what is going on.

"Get out! You don't ever tell my wife that my child and my wife are going to Hell! You should have your title revoked! My wife and child are not going to Hell, but you surely will!" says Alexander .

"You what?!" says Max.

"I never one approved this wedding!" says the priest.

"Then you shouldn't have done the wedding! Get off my property!" says Max.

"You're going to Hell!" says the priest.

"No you are, for talking about my daughter and grandchild like that!" says Max.

They slam the door, Nattie goes to calm down Max while Alexander returns to Claire holding her close. They spend their honeymoon with Max and Nattie trying to stay out of the city letting things cool down. A week later, they are saying their goodbyes when Claire clutches her stomach in great pain.

"Alex..." calls Claire.

"What's wrong? Do you need to sit for a second? Are you okay?" asks Alexander, concerned.

He holds her gently confused rubbing her back.

"The baby.." says Claire.

"Her water broke!" calls Nattie.

She points at some water on the ground, they hurry Claire upstairs to the bedroom where Nattie kicks Max out, Alexander holds Claire's hand while Nattie handles birthing process. Twelve hours later the beautiful wails of a baby entering the world comes clear. Alexander cuts the umbilical cord as Max comes in to see his grandchild.

"It's a girl," says Alex.

He helps Nattie clean the baby up before giving her to Claire they smother the baby with kisses happily.

"Congratulations you two what's her name?" asks Nattie.

They smile and share a kiss before looking at the adorable baby in their arms.

"Welcome to the world: Roelynn Michelle," they say.

The end

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