Chapter One

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After a while just sitting there looking into his eyes I heard my phone go off breaking our trance. I picked up the phone the message read " Be home by ten. -Kelly " I checked the time it was 9:40. I looked over at him " We should leave soon my aunt Kelly said to be home by 10 and it's 9;40" I said as he trotted over to his clothes I layed down on the blanket as I hid my face. I felt a hand on my back as I turned around he took my hand before saying "we should probably go" I got up nodding before we packed up and walked to the car. He insisted on carrying everything, as we reached the car he opened my door. As we drove back to my house we talked. He explained everything to me. I felt like everything now made sense now that the truth is out. It seems that the truth was just beneath the surface after all.

Chapter One:

As we pulled into the drive way he looked into my eyes as if he was a puppy pleading for something. I blushed and looked down.  "Please don't tell your aunt Kelly. She wouldn't ever trust me again." he said I glanced up at him "Your secret is safe with me. It's not my secret to tell." I replied as we looked into eachothers eyes. He placed a hand on my cheek "Thank you. If you didnt comply I would of had to tickle you till you complied. I best get you inside. " he said with a half smirk. He got out of his truck,  went to my door, and opened up the door. I got out and looked at him. His eyes have never been that color before it's odd. They are like how his eyes normally are except they look like a shade of blue has been placed upon them. He looked at me as if entranced then placed a hand on my check before kissing me. His skin felt warm, warmer than it normally is. Not quite like fire but more like a hot summer day, beads of sweat starting to coat his forehead as if he was nervous. He place one hand above my head on the truck then backed up before acting angry at himself. I walked up to him "what's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked as I placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm fine. It's just some stuff. " he said gruffly his shoulders tensed. "You can tell me I'm here for you. Whatever it is that is b-" I said as he cut me of " No. I dont want to burden you. You've dealt with enough today. I'm taking you inside. " I looked at him as I crossed my arms . "Nope. You will tell me what's bugging you or I wont move. " I said sitting down on the dirt partially smirking. "You know I can lift you up. Right?" he said looking at me.  "Either way your going to go inside" his eyes glistened in the moonlight, he walked towards me and picked me up with ease. I laid there in his arms resting my head upon his bicep as he looked into my eyes. I thought to myself "Damn did he put cologne on. He smells how he normaly does just today he smells like he dumped on himself. As I laid there I felt light headed but at the same time like I could fly. I looked up into his eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. I slammed my lips into his as we kissed. He put me down "I-I have to go. I will see you tommarow" he said as he got in his truck and drove off. I stood there shocked and confused. I walked inside and pulled my phone out of my pocket as I checked the time. It read 10:07. I noticed that my Aunt Kelly wasnt downstairs, I walked up the stairs and heard the shower running. I got ready for bed and turned off the light. I laid down as I pondered why he acted like that.
——————Next Morning—————

The next morning, I rode Bullet to school. I entered my first period class as the bell rang. Throughout the day I've been distracted by my thoughts wondering why he acted so strangely last night. As school let out I stood where we normally meet up after school. He wasnt there, I waited for about half an hour before going home. After I got home I dropped off my stuff and packed a bag. I walked outside and got on Bullet's back. After leaving the property, I gave Bullet the command to run. The horse took off like well a bullet. As the wind rushed past me, I hooked my feet into the saddle and stood up. As I held out my arms Bullet ran faster, I sat back down as Bullet increased speed.Bullet slowed then jumped over a fallen tree, as Bullet ran through the woods jumping over and dodging every obstacle. As Bullet slowed to a stop, I got off and tied the horse to the branch. I put my backpack on my back and started to climb. As I reached higher to a branch that looked sturdy enough to hold my weight I sat down. I drew and took pictures of the veiw as I stayed there for a little while Bullet ate the grass on the forest floor. After taking a break I packed up and climbed back down as I reached the ground Bullet knickered. I stroked Bullet's mane after untying Bullet I got back on. Once again Bullet took off into the woods after I gave the signal to move. As the trees flew by I held on for dear life. I pulled back on the reigns and turned Bullet around. We headed back to the edge of the forest, I didnt know how far we had come before hearing howling. Bullet started to freak out as we came to a stop, I gave Bullet  the command to run. We flew past the trees and over branches as we reached the edge of the forest Bullet didnt stop. I tried but failed as I tried to get Bullet to stop after reaching home, Bullet finally came to a halt. I placed Bullet in the stall and I headed inside after placing oats and fresh water in the stall. I headed inside and took a shower as I laid on my bed, I texted Cason again. I sighed and laid there waiting for Cason to text back. I fell asleep awaiting a message or a call as I slept I dreamt of a black wolf howling and stalking me like its prey. When I awoke I checked the time the clock read '7:30 PM ' then I headed downstairs. I said hello to Kelly before getting dinner as I sat down Kelly looked at me "I didn't want to wake you, you looked like you were in a deep sleep." I looked at Kelly and shrugged my shoulders "I must have fallen asleep". After dinner I did the dishes then said goodnight before heading up to bed. The next day I did my usual routine after school Cason wasnt there. He wasnt at any of his classes or at the meeting spot. I tried to catch up with his brother but he left before I could catch up. I went home and laid on the bed waiting for a text or call. After this pattern occured for the next week   I became concerned. I tried to talk to his brother but he always left before I could catch up. I tried texting both of them but it turned up fruitless. That following Saturday, I packed my things as I prepared for a day trip after saddling bullet and packing I rode off. We rode through the woods until lunch. We stopped at a part of the woods I haven't been to yet, I ate lunch as Bullet ate the grass on the forest floor. After lunch we rode through the woods I didnt even know where we were but I decided to trust Bullets instincts. After pausing for a quick break I decided we should turn back. We rode back towards the direction which we came. As we were sailing through the trees Bullet came to a sudden stop and almost threw me. As I held on I tried to figure out what had Bullet shaking like a leaf. Bullet seemed spooked by something then I heard it a low growl, hoping it was Cason I looked towards where I thought it came from as a  wolf tried to jump on Bullet Bullet took off. I looked back for a second and saw three wolves a redish wolf, one that looked like a smokey grey, and the other one pitch black. Like Cason's fur I hoped that was him as we ran. The trees became a blurr as Bullet ran like a mad horse. Bullet stopped and neighed I tried to make Bullet go foward but he refused. Then I saw it more wolves. Bullet ran the other direction as the trees blurred by now we have five wolves to deal with. I remember the lessons my mom tought me while she was still alive before the accident. I tried to put the thought out of my mind as I whispered in Bullet's ear "I'm going to trust you that you wont throw me." I turned my body around on the saddle and hooked my feet into the saddle. I grabbed the bow and arrows from the satchel on the saddle. I drew my bow and didnt fire until one was about to bite or attack Bullet. I watched as the wolves drew closer, I pointed the arrow at the reddish one that was about to bite Bullet. I fired and hit it in the side as the wolf fell onto it's back whimpering two stayed back while the others chased us. Only two left a black one and a brown one. I drew my bow once again, I looked at the wolves the other one snarled and tried to bite Bullet as I shot it in the leg. The black one stayed on my tail snarling. I shot at the black one but I missed as I drew another arrow I aimed for its leg as it drew close to Bullet. Bullet slowed to a stop as I fired at the wolf it was an accidental shot but I hit the wolf in its side. I turned around to see Bullet had almost reached the end of a cliff. I got off Bullets back and walked with Bullet away from the cliff. Then I heard it a groan it sounded human. I was puzzled by this I tied Bullet to a tree as I turned around. Bullet knickered as I walked closer to the tall grass. As I got closer I saw Cason. I hated myself for firing that arrow, I rushed to his side. "Cason? What are you doing here?" he groaned as he looked up at me I felt his hand in my cheek. I placed my hands on the wound I caused. I ran to Bullet and grabbed the first aid kit. As I dug out the antiseptic and bandaged from the kit. I looked at Cason "I'm going to make this right, you're going to be okay. You are going to be okay. This is gonna hurt like hell. " He groaned and let out an angry sounding laugh as he yelled while I pulled out the arrow sticking out of his side, then I held pressure as I wiped the area and the wound with the antiseptic wipe. I put on gloves and felt inside of the wound. I wrapped bandages around his waist. I put away the stuff in the first aid kit then I heard him say "I am a fucking werewolf, I heal way faster than any human." I looked at him and placed my hands on his cheeks. "What are you doing out here? Why have you been ignoring me? What did I do wrong? You scared the shit out of me. I didnt know if you were dead, hurt, or-" he cut me off with a kiss that felt like fire was on my lips. "I'm okay minus the arrow that you just pulled out of my side. You didnt do anything wrong I did. I didnt mean to ignore you " he looked down. I looked into his eyes confused. "Do you have a blanket or something?" I looked into his eyes kind of confused. Then I realised he is naked wearing nothing but a bandage. I turned bright red as I realised this, i pulled off my jacket and handed it to him. He laid it over his nether regions as I covered my face with my hands. He placed his hands on mine and pulled my hands down. I looked at him awkwardly as I felt as if my face was beat red. "You didnt realise I am stark naked? " I blushed even more as I shook my head. He pulled me into a hug "I've missed you, I just couldnt control myself anymore that's why I vanished." I looked at him " You don't need to worry about self control with me " I said jokingly. He smiled for a second then his smile disappeared "I do. I cant control myself when I'm around you anymore. I cant keep my hands to myself and I hate it I want you to be able to trust me without worrying that I will force myself on you. I dont want to hurt you. I don't want to make you hate me" I looked at him and hugged him "I will never hate you. It's impossible." he kissed me passionately and stroked my hair. I looked at him and hugged him.    " I'm sorry but your stuck with me" I said jokingly he looked up at me I saw a flash of color in his eyes "I'm not stuck with you I have the pleasure of being by your side." he hugged me and I felt his hands go down to my butt then he let go of me. "I-I cant control myself when I'm around you it's to difficult for me to do. " I kissed him and looked at him in the eyes "You dont have to worry about controlling yourself around me. " he looked at me concerned "you have no idea what I'm capable of when a wolf- when a wolf imprints on someone they have urges they cant really fight when they are with them. I am trying my hardest to fight those urges, distancing myself seems to be the only way I can protect you." I laid by his side "you dont have to protect me from you. Tell me everything that's on your mind" I looked into his eyes. He let out a sigh and told me about how after a wolf imprints on someone those urges aren't pg-13 rated. After telling me everything he looked into my eyes and kissed me. "Now you know why I've been acting the way I have been " I looked at him and kissed him he laid on his side as he kissed me deeply. I heard him let out a low growl as he started to get on top of me then he stood up and shifted I watched him. After shifting he turned around and saw I was watching, he nuzzled me. I stood up and grabbed the first aid kit and my coat. "Walk next to me, let's train Bullet to be calm around you while your in" I looked at him "this form" he trotted close behind me. Bullet knickered and stomped. I put the first aid kit away and held Bullet's muzzle "easy. Calm" I repeated as Cason got closer and closer. Bullet smelled him and started to freak. I calmed Bullet down and as Cason trotted around Bullet, I grabbed an apple from the satchel and held my hand out. Bullet took the apple gleefully. Cason looked at me. I got on my knees and stroked his black fur when he nuzzled me. He licked my face and I giggled. "Just cause your a werewolf doesnt mean you can lick my face." he backed up and looked to the ground like a kid cought with his hand in the cookie jar. I pulled him close as I gave him a hug. "Run beside us. Come with me, let's go home. Please I beg you let's go home we will work through this together. " he nuzzled me then I watched him as he shifted as his bones cracked and reformed to human. It looked painful. "I cant. I cant control myself. I cant I just-" I kissed him as I held his head with my hands "Stop saying you can't when you know we can together." He looked at me and tilted his head to the side. "If I go with you, if I go home I'm blaming you if I loose control." He said half joking I hugged him and kissed him. As he hugged me I fell backward pulling him on me. We laughed and sat there for a minute like that. He kissed me deeply and nuzzled his head into my neck. As I felt his breath against my neck taking in my scent. I felt him shift against me. I got up and got on Bullet. I nudged Bullet's side and we rode into the woods. I looked beside me watching Cason run. He looked at me for a second and sped up. I watched as his tail waved behind him, I wonder if he is faster than Bullet. I gave Bullet the signal and Bullet picked up speed. As they seemed to race through the woods I watched him run. Bullet started to slow to a trot and I noticed Bullet searching for something. Bullet trotted to a waterfall about 200 yards from where we initially stopped. As Bullet started drinking from the water, I got off. I looked for Cason but I couldn't see him. After Bullet was done drinking I tied him to a branch for a break.
I checked my phone then placed it back in the saddle. I walked to the water and sat there thinking.


Just as I stood up to head back to Bullet to attempt to catch up with Cason, something pounced on me. I fell into the water as I felt wet fur on me. Scared of my life possibly ending I looked up and I saw Cason shifting. I squirmed out from under him and splashed water at him. I heard his laugh as he splashed me back. I smirked at him and crossed my arms like a pouty child "Look at what you did now I'm all wet. " I said half joking as I looked at him. He smirked at me and splashed me again. I laughed as I tackled him into the water and splashed him. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and splashed him. We sat like that splashing eachother, he sat up and smirked at me. "What are you smiling at? I dont have a change of clothes." he splashed me again and caught me off guard as he kissed me. I felt his hand on my ass as he kissed me this time more passionate more roughly. I heard his breath increase as he pushed me off of him and started to storm out of the water as if angry at himself. I grabbed his hand as he turned around. "I told you I cant con-" I kissed him deeply as we started to make out he lifted me up. He walked with me on him deeper into the water as he stopped he pulled back. His eyes went from black to normal and he set me down. He growled at himself and mumbled something about how he can't control himself. I walked out of the water as he turned around. I turned around at a low hanging branch. "I am going to let my clothes dry for a little bit. " I smirked at him as I pulled off my shirt revealing my bra after ringing out my clothes. I walked into the water completely naked, I felt him watching and staring at me. His eyes were turning black as I got closer to him and hugged him. "What?" I said as he seemed taken aback. "I- you know this only makes it worse for me. Right?" I looked up at him "so your allowed to be stark naked but I'm not? That seems a little" I pulled back and placed my hands on his chest as I whispered in his ear "unfair". He kissed me deeply as we started to make out again. He stepped back and turned around " Not unfair just unsafe for you" he said almost in a growl. I walked up to him and hugged him from behind "Unsafe. How?" he spoke in a low voice "I could hurt you and I would never want to do that to you." I kissed his neck and I whispered in his ear "Why dont you let yourself go and claim me?" I said almost tounting him. He turned around and started making out with me. He looked at me "Are you sure? You know doing this means I will forever be with you and it may take a little bit for me to regain control of myself? I dont want to hurt you. I dont want to accidentally hurt you beyo-" I cut him off "I know what I am getting myself into. " I walked over to the shallow end of the water "but if you dont want to claim me the-" I felt his mouth kiss my neck. I turned around as we started to make out. I jumped onto him and lifted my head up as he moved his mouth down my body. He set me down "Are you su-" I cut him off by kissing him "Claim me already, Cason. " he laid me down in the shallow water as he kissed down my front. He picked me up and took me to the grass. He laid me down as we made out for a little bit. I felt a slight pain then pleasure as he pushed himself inside of me. We did it for a while then he pulled out before cumming. He explored my body as we enjoyed every second. He pulled me close as we cuddled and fell asleep.
--Time jump-------‐-‐-------------------------------

I laid there next to him, his arms were around my waist. I can't beleive I just gave my virginity to a werewolf. I felt his hand creep down below my waist line. He kissed my neck and he whispered in my ear "you'r mine forever. No going back." he shifted as his hands became paws I felt him stand up and shake. I watched completely naked as the werewolf that just fucked me howled into the sky. As I watched him howl I sat up. He looked at me as he drew closer. He licked my neck as he nudged me I stood up. I started walking to my clothes as I reached my clothes j started to get dressed. He sat there watching me get dressed. Just as I was about to put on my pants I felt him nudge my nether regions. I looked at him "What? I am just getting dressed. Haven't you had enough?" I said playfully, his muzzle nudged my zone. I sighed as I sat on my knees. "What?" then I felt him nudge me again. I sat up as I pulled down my underwear. I tilted my head to the side "what do you want or need? " he licked my nether regions as his tounge licked inside and outside of me I twisted my fingers into his fur. He stopped and I finished getting dressed.

———————Clean parts——————

I got on Bullet's back and untied the lead. We rode as Cason ran beside us. After about two more hours of riding and running, I saw my house. I slowed Bullet to a stop and I held the lead as I got down. I looked at Cason "Text me when you get home. I will see you later" he nuzzled me and I hugged him.
I got home and placed Bullet in the stall with fresh oats and water. I walked inside and saw a note.
"Melony, I have gone out with freinds. When you get back take care of the horses. There are leftovers in the fridge.
Be home by 11 PM.
Hugs and kisses.
I heated up leftovers then finished the dishes before taking a shower and heading to bed.

Beneath the surface; Book two to Set me freeWhere stories live. Discover now