Chapter Three

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The next morning I awoke to voices downstairs. I put on clothes and headed down. I saw Cason, the chief, and Aunt Kelly talking.
I nervously walked down the stairs. Kelly looked up at me "Melony, nice of you to join us. The cheif was just telling me about how Cason is no longer on vacation. I bet your excited to see him for the first time in a week. " I saw Cason and I ran to him. As I hugged him tightly I whispered in his ear "Act like we haven't seen eachother in a week. " I felt him pick me up and swing me around. I laughed and he set me down. "I missed you so much" he said and I kissed him " I missed you too. You just vanished I didn't know where you went or if you were okay. I have been worried sick about you" Kelly looked at the Cheif "she hasn't been sleeping well lately. Let's let the young lovers catch up. " the cheif looked at Kelly and nodded in agreement. Cason walked me outside and as we walked we held hands. "What does the Cheif know about us?" he looked at me as he rubbed the back of his neck. "He doesnt know I claimed you. " I looked up at him "should he know? I mean he is the cheif after all." I said as he looked into my eyes "maybe but he may get mad. " why would he get mad, I know about all the wolf stuff. "Why?" he looked down at my feet " he doesnt know you know about everything." I placed my hands on his face as I made him look up " we should tell him. " he looked at me and then at the floor. He stroked my hair , I loved his touch. He looked into my eyes and kissed me deeply. " I love you" I looked up at him "I love you too". Cason held my hand as we walked to the stalls while talking. We heard Kelly and the cheif walk out, we should head out. He looked at him then kissed me "I love you. Goodbye, Mel" I hugged him " I love you too. Next time let me know before you leave. Goodbye, Cason."
I watched as they left. "We should feed the horses" I nodded in agreement as I watched them leave. We fed the horses and headed inside. Kelly and I had a movie marathon, while watching the movies I couldn't get Cason out of my brain. What we did the other night, how we may tell his father and our plan to tell his father. After the movie marathon was over I made dinner and set the table. Kelly sat down as we began to eat. "There is something you should know." Kelly said as I placed a fork full of food in my mouth. "I started dating someone, you know him. Don't worry he isn't related to Cason." I watched in anticipation waiting to hear who it is as I ate. "The fish and game officer here in town named Max. Is who I am dating and I have been dating him. I didn't want to tell you until things became serious." I coughed and choked on my food. After taking a drink of water I spoke. "You and the fish and game officer are dating? It's about time you got out there but the fish and game officer? You dont even hunt." Kelly picked at her food "He is a good man and he is kind to me." I looked at Kelly "I am glad you fell in love with someone, Kelly. Is that where you have been sneaking off to?" I asked smiling at Kelly. "Yes as a matter of fact that is who I've been 'sneaking off with'." she used air quotations with the words "Sneaking off with" and laughed. We both laughed for a few minuets and finished our dinner. After dinner we cleaned up and went to bed. As I texted Cason we talked about the plan. I fell asleep after saying Goodnight to him.

----------------The next morning-----------------
I awoke to my alarm as I was getting ready I pondered the dream. My dream was about Cason. In the dream we ran through the woods together , we stopped at a fountain. When we stopped we splashed eachother and he chased after me before shifting. During school I longed to hang out with him after school. After school I met him at our spot. Before I could speak he kissed me deeply "Hey" he said as he broke the kiss " Hi, Cason. How are you?" he smirked at me "Better than I've been all day." I kissed him then I looked at him "Let's meet at the woods by my house. Okay?" He tilted his head to the side. "Okay. See you there. " he left and I went to my horse. I took the short cut and beat him to my house. I put Bullet in the stable and packed a bag. When I got downstairs I saw Cason standing there by his truck. "Guess what I found out?" he looked at me as if questioning "What did you find out?" I got closer to him "Kelly is dating Max the fish and game officer. " he looked at me and shrugged "Human adults date. It's not really news. " I looked at him and punched him in the shoulder jokingly "What I am saying is she won't be home tonight. " he smirked at me. "Hey, Cason. Let's play a game you stay here and I am going to go hide in the woods. I will text you when you can come try to find me. " he smirked at me and kissed me deeply "Game on, prey." he said jokingly. I took off into the woods. I hid my tracks and going different directions to throw him off my scent. I found a good place to hide and I turned my phone on silent as I texted him. I sat there in a bush waiting for him to find me.
--------CASON'S PERSPECTIVE---------------
I received the text and undressed myself. After getting out of the truck I shifted. I sniffed for her trail after chasing a trail that led me back to the starting point, I started to try to figure out which on has her scent the strongest. After following that scent for a little while, I saw her hiding in the bush. I lowered to the ground and pounced on her.

Beneath the surface; Book two to Set me freeWhere stories live. Discover now