Chapter Eight

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Please don't leave me, Cason. I still need you. His father looked at him and I, he helped me get Cason up. Cason walked a few steps limping before falling down and shifting back. I stood above him nuzzling him and resting my head on his neck/chest. His father bent beside him and nudged his arm. I helped lift him up as he slumped over his father's back. His father took off running into the woods. I followed him as we ran to the house as we arrived his father started heading for the teepees. He ran into a teepee and I followed. His uncle looked at him then at me "get her out of here." I looked at him and his father kept shoving me out. I took off running back to our spot where he placed our clothes. I shifted and got dressed before running with his clothes in my hands to the teepee. I walked inside and set them beside him as I knelt. I kissed his forehead as I held his hand in mine and he winced. He looked up at me "I will be fine. Don't worry. " I kissed him and he looked into my eyes. I looked at his naked body before asking "How bad are your injuries?" he stroked my hair and said "Not to bad. Just a few bites on my legs and a bite on my neck near my windpipe". I squeezed his hand as I got closer and whispered in his ear "I am supposed to be the only one bitting your neck just like how your the only one supposed to bite mine". He smirked at me and kissed me "that's right, my little mate". I kissed him again then I heard his uncle clear his throat before speaking "excuse me but I don't think you should be in here. Wolves that are injured tend to want to mate." Cason rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Cason looked at me then at his uncle before sitting up and looking at his leg. He placed his hand on his neck where he was bit, it seemed almost fully healed. He stood up as I still sat there on the floor. His uncle walked out and Cason looked at me. He laughed "with the position we are in, you look like you are about to..." I laughed and stood up before handing him his clothes. He put on his clothes and kissed me before hugging me. I enjoyed his embrace the hug made me melt. He took my hand and we walked out of the teepee as we walked to his truck. He opened the door as I got in before running back inside to get his backpac and my backpac. When he returned he handed me my phone. I looked at my phone as I turned it on, saw the time and messages. The time was 6:32 AM and I clicked on the messages icon as I started to read the messages:

"Please come home soon." -Kelly (10:00)

"The chief called me to let me know you will be staying over for the night. Be good and remember the boundaries between Cason and you."- Kelly (10:45)

"You may not get this until morning but please remember distance between Cason and you. Feel free to come home to get changed before school and I will leave a key under the mat. I have an early shift tommarow at the hospital. I love you see you when I get home tomorrow night." -Kelly (11:10)

All of the messages I received were from Aunt Kelly. I showed them to Cason and he started the car. We drove to my house and he held my hand. I felt tired but energized at the same time as we arrived at my house he parked and we walked to the door. I lifted the mat and unlocked the door. We entered and walked up the stairs as we spoke about what happened this morning. We reached my door and I opened it. As we entered he spoke "So should I lay on the bed and wait or are you going to change in front of me." I headed to my closet. I grabbed my clothes and turned around "I am going to go take a shower so you can decide if you want to join me or lay there." I entered my bathroom. I set my clothes on the counter and started the shower. So far he just laid there watching. I got undressed and stepped in the shower.

I started to wash my hair as I heard the bathroom door close. I rinsed my hair and I felt his hands on my waist then his lips on my neck. I smirked "you decided to join me eh?" I felt his hands trail up my torso to my chest "I didn't want to refuse this offer." he turned me around and opened a bottle of body wash. He put soap on his hands and started to wash my body. I grabbed the shampoo and put some on my hands as I washed his hair. We finished washing eachother and I reached to turnoff the faucet when he stopped me. He pinned me against the shower wall, kissing me roughly like a wolf who is desperately in need of mating.

Beneath the surface; Book two to Set me freeWhere stories live. Discover now