Chapter Seven

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I shifted and ran away from the rushing wide river then started to run back when I heard a growl. I paused and sniffed the air. Then I heard it Cason's howl I raced to him as I jumped over the rushing wide river I felt a pull at my tail. I rolled as I landed and Cason sniffed me checking if I was injured. He snarled across the rushing wide river, I stood up and froze. Wolves but not apart of Cason's group. He snarled and growled I have never seen him like this, he looked like a wild wolf. He nuzzled me and snarled at them. The wolves across the rushing wide river snarled back and one tried to jump but failed as he landed in the deep water before being carried off. The others howled before leaving, Cason nudged me and took off running. I followed him as we ran I was scared of those wolves and I feel safe with Cason but I've never seen him like that. He stopped at a small clearing before shifting back. "Let's work on your pouncing becouse last night you looked like a pup." he shifted back and lowered to the ground. I copied his every move as I sat there he rose, I started to but I stopped because I felt his paw on my back. He nudged my feet and after he was done correcting my stance he got ready to pounce. He sprang like a spring but landed on all four and I tried to copy him. I sprung from my stance but I wasnt ready for the landing and I landed with a tumble. I laid there on the ground before getting up and shaking, he watched me as he whined. I started again as I kept trying he watched while giving instructions.  I felt like I was embarrassing myself in front of him. After many failed attempts I started to give up, it's like he could tell I was giving up, he nudged me and licked my cheek. We practiced for a long time it felt like hours and by the time he called it a day I wanted to pass out. I laid down on the grass the cool earth felt good on my tired body he shifted back before walking over to me. I felt his touch on the side of my face "you cant sleep here, let's get to the truck. We need to get you back to your house. " I rolled over onto my back and looked up at him. I tried to act playful to attempt to get him lay beside me. I looked up at him as I wagged my tail "Okay, silly. Don't  run I might just have to have you ride on my back. It's good you learned how to wag your tail but please get up." I whined. He can try but I am not moving, he wore me out. I licked his face and he laughed "I guess I'm going to have to push you or maybe tickle you  to death." he said playfully. He shifted into a black wolf and started to try to push me up. I sat there as he nudged my side and he pushed against me which only caused me to fall onto my side. I growled playfully as I nibbled his ear, he licked me in return. He shifted back as he placed a hand on my side and started to tickle me. I moved to get away from him as I got up he shifted back and nudged me foward. I turned around and stared into his eyes. I playfully growled as I got into downward dog position and he stood there like he just wanted to go. I playfully nipped his leg as he seemed stone cold. He suddenly broke from being statue like to a puppy. He made me jump slightly as he suddenly moved  to downward dog position. He pawed me as he wagged his tail. I immediately got up and chased him. We ran through the woods as we chased eachother, he paused causing me to run into him. I heard an alfa like growl and I moved to beside him. I saw it wolves but from the  looks of it foe not friend. One of the wolves took one look at me and snapped which only pissed Cason off even more. He remained in a dominant stance and the one who appeared to be in a similar stance to Cason lunged at him. He snarled and snapped as they fought, I watched scared and nervous. He grabbed the wolf by the back of its neck and bite down hard. He threw the wolf by the back of its neck against a tree and stood there blood coating his mouth. He nuzzled me and nudged me foward as if signaling me to run. He howled and I took off running to his house. I got there and ran inside up to his room as quick as I could. I threw on his hoodie and his shorts which I had to hold up. I ran to the office as I opened the door his father stood up. Breathless I spoke "Cason he he needs help" I looked at his father as he stood up. He walked to me "where is he? Show me." I ran to Cason's room to get undressed and shift. I shifted and I raced to his father. I looked at his father before running out the door. I paused on the lawn as his father ran out shifted. He howled loudly, I have never heard something howl that loud. The next second at least 20 wolves seemed to appear out of no where. I ran into the woods with his dad and pack on my tail. I felt a pain in the back of my neck and I ran faster. I saw him laying there as I paused. I ran up to him and nudged him. I laid next to him, he cant leave me. He nuzzled me and I saw the blood. I placed my head against his neck in an attempt to stop the bleeding. He whined as I laid next to him. I licked his cheek as his eyes closed. Please dont leave me, Cason. I still need you.

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