Chapter Six

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(Still in Cason's point of view)
She was almost fully transformed when I heard something new, something wolf like. I heard a growl, her first growl. She now stood before me fully transformed, carmel colored fur coated her body. She shook and stared at me. She growled and took off running around the room looking for an exit. I stood up and opened the front door. I stood there shirtless wearing what used to be pants that are now shorts. She ran through the door and took off into the forest. "I am going to follow her, keep her and others safe." my father stood there watching as she ran "go. She may recognize you others may be in danger. A wolf almost always recognizes her mate." I took off my short as I shifted. I ran after her, she ran really fast for a human er werewolf who just shifted for the first time. I saw her pause and sniff the ground before entering the woods. She appeared unsure of what lied ahead of her, I followed her but not close enough that she would recognize that I'm behind her. I saw her stop then take off running as we ran I tried to figure out where she is going or if she is chasing something. She stopped all of a sudden and growled but at what. She sniffed the air then ran again, she made a few sharp turns that caused me to stop abruptly. I ran through the woods then I lost her, I sniffed the ground. "Where did you go?" I thought to myself then I heard a growl. She was behind me, she showed her teeth at me as she snarled. She got closer as she snarled, like she didn't recognize me. I remember what my father said about wolves who shifted for the first time being unable to recognize anything except their basic needs. I stepped foward as she snarled. I saw her ears were back as I remained in an alfa stance. She grew closer then she tried to pounce on me, I easily dodged her attack. I turned around and saw her shake. She sneezed and continued to snarl. I remember my dad saying something about when a wolf shifts for the first time and snarls at the alfa they need to be dominated. I can't hurt her, I don't think I can dominate her. She got closer as she started to circle me. She snarled as she jumped on me, she scratched me and tried to wrestle me. "I have to dominate her or she will try to kill me. My little mate. " I thought to myself as we wrestled. I took control of the situation and easily got on top of her. I snarled at her and she stopped snarling. She looked up at me as she laid there looking into my eyes. I saw for a second a flicker of her eye color before they turned black. She licked me and cowered. I got off of her and like an obedient dog she sat down as she panted. I walked up to her and licked her face. I nuzzled her as she nuzzled me back as we drew back I placed my head against hers. She stepped back then got closer, she licked the side of my muzzle and nibbled my ear playfully. She looked into my eyes then bent down in a playing position before taking off running. I chased her through the forest and I pounced on her. She licked me and she squirmed out from under me. I looked at her as I trotted up to her and she laid on her back. She looked up at me with her belly up and she licked her lips. I stood there face to face with her, I nuzzled her before backing up. She looked at me confused and I bent down like she did before. She stood up and I ran away, she chased me as I ran. I slowed my pace and turned sharply as I ran around a tree. I was now behind her as she realised I was behind her she stopped. I ran into her as we stopped, I accidentally head butted her in the ass. She turned around, I looked at her and she playfully growled. I walked up to her and she nuzzled me. She licked me and turned around. I nuzzled her side and she backed into me. I backed up in response she turned around and walked to my left. She laid down as she army crawled under me as I stood there puzzled. She licked my neck as I looked her. She army crawled out from under me most if the way and she stood up.

-----------SKIP SCENE IF YOU ARE UNDER 15 YEARS OF AGE---------------------------------

My chest was on her back, she whimpered as if begging for something. I licked her back and she backed up, I now understood what she was trying to say. I mounted her as a wolf for the first time. She whimpered again and I shoved myself into her as I started acting like a wolf in the spring. We mated again for the second time that evening. I never heard the sounds a female wolf might make during mating. Now I know the sounds that they make. As I dismounted her she laid under me and licked my neck. I nuzzled her as she laid there.

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