Just a squishy set back

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Lum would check back on Oz a few hours later, 3 to be exact, she had gotten smaller but was still bigger than before. Her boobs being 10 times the size of basket balls, so big your think they were fake. Her ass was large, very large, wide and round, shiny even. It was big enough to where if anyone tried to walk beside her theyd get pushed put the way. Her thighs were thick and soft, her cages pudgy and large just as the same. But than her stomach seemed to have ensured the weight gain. Round get soggy, it hung over her enlarged thighs. It was shiny and if iz would try to sit uo she would have to surrport herself due to her lap being taken up. And in deed iz did try to sit up, but as she did her thick gut pushed her enlarged water balloon like boobs up into her face, making it impossible to see. Lum coudnt help but laugh "Omg you look like you just drank a hole lake!" She bellowed. Iz gave a huff "I did!".

Hey so uh, yeah heres the most recent update, I was wondering if I should maybe add like a party chapter, maybe two. Like maybe where Iz has to go to a party and wear a dress and things get a little out of hand. Would y'all like that?

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