double stuffed burger

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Izzy sat there. Thighs bulging. Boobs swaying. She was so excited.
Kat gave her a happy glance before walking out the room. Coming back with food, aponnnn food apon food. To bottles of chocolate to Thanksgiving dinners. Kat smiled and walked over to izzy.
"I'm going to leave you here, for two hours. And your going to eat as much as you can. And if you eat it all, I'll give you harder stuff. But if you dont eat it all. I'm going to have to shove everything down your throat" he said kindly. Even if it did sound like a threat.

Izzy blinked. Getting a little flustard over the man. "Yes sir" she smiled. Placing her hands on her stomach gently. Ready for her task.
Kat smiled and gave her forehead a kiss. "Have fun!" He said. jogging out the room and closing the door.

Izzy decided that, the best way to do this was to go from what was the least filling, to the most filling.
And as well as food, there was drinks.
Begining with some of those, but saving others to help her get other food down.
She began with the 70 oz soda bottles. Begining with cola. She chugged it. Gasping as it finished ahe dropped the bottle on the floor.
Nothing had expanded yet. But she sure was winded.
She then picked up Pepsi. Begining to pour it down her throat when she felt a large gas bubble in her stomach. Pushing it, a loud sound came from her ass. Causing her to sigh in relief. Cintuining to Chug the bottle. She couldn't stop once it was gone. Not even bothering to look at if she had began to swell or not. She picked up Sprite, then mountain dew, then dr pepper. And then rootbear. Dropping the rootbear she panted. Giving out a large belch as she looked down at herself finally.
It had all gone to her arms. Her arms were huge. Fat and tapered at her elbows. She grinned, it felt amazing. But she began to feel the air in her stomach causing problems.
Rubbing her belly with fat fingers she would let farts and burps out. Mainly burps. Soon enough she would feel herself get all the gas out. Causing a relief she looked at the other drinks.
Picking up some lemonade with her fat arms. It was in a huge container. About as big as her left leg. Opening the cap she held it up above her mouth. Pouring it into her mouth she felt her arms get heavier and thicker. Half way through the bottle her arms touched her face, growing quickly. She then finished the bottle. Dropping it she would put her arms to her side. Feeling them grow huge. They much shorter. So thick and big that they could barley bend.
She decided to keep the body sized bottles of water for when she was binging.

Waddleing over to the candy she looked down at it all. Her stomach begining to rumble.
She began toe at peice by price. Twlizers as big as oak trees. Whopper boxes as big as a flatscreen. Nerd pellets as big as mice. And the most challeging, the taffy. The rings of it were as large as a bunk bed. And she ate all of it. Looking down at her herself she would notice her huge cafes. Touching the ground from there thickness. Her heels were becoming extra hard to wear.
Slowly inching her heavy weigh to the dinner section. Dropping down onto her butt she began to eat. Not eat, feast. Downing 15 bowls of spaghetti in only 5 minutes. Eating a truck load of hotdogs in 10. And devouring 18 Thanksgiving turkeys in only 15 minutes. Chicken wings stuffed into her mouth. Hundreds of pounds worth of ham into her gullet. At the end of it all she felt her thighs burst and throb. They were as big as a car. Red and swollen. They had ripped off her fishnets. Chunky and thick, they rippled and bounced with the heavy music in the other room.
Having to stand up. She found herself taking off her heels and having to stomp her way to the dessert. the final thing. For now...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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