Chapter 4💜

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Third Person's P.O.V

The cold air of the AC blew in a well spacious office. It was the real definition of a CEOs office.

A man in his late twenties was seated comfortably on a chair, dressed in a black long sleeve shirt with a navy blue Armani suit and a navy blue trouser. His shoes were black, all shiny and sparkly. They were well polished. His golden wrist rolex watch clad neatly on his right hand as he topped the dressing with a navy blue tie. He is not fair in complexion neither is he dark. He has side burns with dark curly hair. He has dark brown eyes which turn blue when angry or sleepy. His pointy nose together with his plumpy pink lips makes him look handsome, a real definition of a handsome man. His long eye lashes covering his eyes any time he opens or closes his eyes.

His face held the no-nonsense expression as his secretary informed him about his meeting with a business patner as early as 7:45am the next day.
After a few minutes of discussing the meeting, he opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by his ring tone. He checked to see the caller and the moment he saw who was calling his mode instantly changed as he signalled his secretary to take his leave.

"The young B"! He exclaimed.

"Baba how far na? Two days ka sharemu"? Jafar questioned.

"Walahi bah haka bane. It's just work. Been a CEO ain't easy wlh". He answered with a sigh.

"Eyyyah sorry koh mommy's boy". Jafar replied teasingly.

"Shut up abeg and state your business and if you don't have any gerrout of here". He answered him.

"Ha'an guy chill mana, just joking. Well, dama dad called me this morning and told me to take over the company cause he's getting old and because am obviously the only male child he's got. My problem is not handling the company. No, it's just that am not into this family business besides, they all know I like to be independent.

I tried alking to mom about it but guess what? The woman started crying telling me to just accept the offer if I want her to be happy, knowing fully well that tears are my weakness". Jafar ended with sigh obviously frustrated.

Jawad chuckled a bit before he answered him.

"I see no problem in this. Aren't you his only son? Atleast be happy he allowed you do what you wanted for five good years. Some father's don't do that infact, some choose how their children's future is going to be like.
So I don't think this is a bad idea. Common man stop acting like momma's boy and just agree. I mean baba bazai che kai abun da zai chuche kah bah koh?" He asked trying to reason with him.

"Okay okay. It's not like you're going to support me. Why did I even call you in the first place? Knowing fully well that you're going to support dad?" Jafar asked.

"It's not like that man. You're so complicated and it's not like you're going to accept the offer just like that will ya?" He asked him.

"Warever" he muttered.

"Yeah warever. Hey where's my munchkin? I miss that angel so much walahi. I can't remember the last time I saw her". Jawad asked.

Jafar Usman Kabeer is Jawad's childhood friend and also his best friend. He's married to Batool, a beautiful shuwa arab lady and blessed with a cute little chubby princess Fateemah whom they call Daima. She was named after Jafar's mother.

"She asked of you yesterday sef and I told her you'll come see her soon. So better come besides, I told her mother you're coming for dinner on Saturday".

"Ya Allah! What if I have something to do that Saturday huh"?

"Then you reschedule your schedules simple". Jafar answered.

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