11| the outcast.

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Music and laughter filled the air. Children's cheers echoed into the sky as they praised the gods in celebration. Couples danced together, friends drank and sung together. It was a beautiful sight as Bellona watched from afar. A part of her was envious, remembering how things used to be. 

She used to be involved, felt welcomed by these events. Many would beg for the woman to join them in celebration, then they'd become jealous of those she chose over them. But things were different now. She wasn't the same Bellona they people knew and loved. She as a woman who broke tradition and left her people. She was an outcast.

"This is just sad," Discordia sighed. She was rested against the stone wall, idly running her finger along her pants. "While everyone celebrates my imprisonment and peace, you're sulking and babysitting me."

"I'm not sulking," Bellona retorted. "Besides, I'm simply waiting for Pietas to look after you for the night."

"I think this is a bit much. I only went after a few people."

"You and Loki harmed thousands of people and nearly destroyed a city."

"That's nothing compared to the billions of tiny humans who live on Midgard. Besides, New York isn't that great. They've got a serious rodent problem and the traffic is horrendous."

"You really are mad, Discordia," Bellona shook her head. Her attention was again falling onto the celebration outside. "You know, you could've been included in that. Dancing with friends and family, giving thanks for our prosperity."

"No, I wouldn't have," Discordia scoffed. "I've never had friends. Everyone was either afraid of me or hated me. Even mother was..."

"That's not true, Discordia. She loved you, loved all of us, even Minerva. She cared for us when father never did."

"No, mother was scared of me. I knew she was ever since an accident happened with Juventas when we were kids. The only person I could ever depend on was me."

Bellona could see how hard her sister tried to remain tough. The glare was filled with anger, but she could also see how hurt she was. She noticed how fast her eyes became glossy. She spent hundreds of years being angry at the world and had no one at her side. The only person who did was Loki, but even his influence on her only brought out the worst in her. 

"You know, you're not the only one hated here," Bellona glanced outside the window. "My failed marriage made me the laughing stock. Whispers about me spread, many believed it was my fault and not Mars for him cheating. No one ever dared to marry me again, worrying that I would break tradition again. And my bloodlust...people believed I was savage and crazy."

"And yet you fight for these people?" Discordia questioned.

"I do," she said proudly. "I fight to honor those before us and who have fallen, I fight so that I can live, and I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. I will give my life to my people because that's who I am. Life is precious." She glanced over at her sister. "Even yours."

"Is that why you fought for mine?"

"Yes," she nodded. "Father has taken so much from you, I won't let him take away your life."

Discordia remained silent. She had no snide comment, no dirty, was completely and utterly silent. Despite everything she had done, everything she had said in an effort to hurt Bellona, she still stood by her. 

The silence between the two was broken by the distant sounds of a creaking door. Distant footsteps echoed through the halls, each step becoming louder and louder until finally, Pietas appeared before the two.

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