Chapter 2

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Recap: America smirked America smirked evilly, but this time the admirers got rather.. hypnotized by his arousing figure and smugness

America watched as his father forced the other to run around the gym. America was doing 50 push-ups and pull-ups next to the benches, having his father sit on his back as he lowers and rises himself. His father is under 180 pounds, but is a tough nugget. America is over 210 pounds, a lot of it is muscle. Without his muscles he would be 130 pounds. Since he is only 5'9. To a lot of the countries he is rather... short. The tallest country (Russia) is 7'2. And the the shortest is 4'11. The shortest country is New Zealand, America's little brother. Australia is 5'6 and Canada is 6'2. Almost ¾ of the the school is over 6 foot. Luckily no one judges anyone's height... except for... Isis and his gang of rude ass- cough very mean individuals. Anyways, back to the group. Russia finished first, Netherlands in second, and Panikal third. "Oh, hello Kal." UK said, calmly. "Hey uncle Nite! Sorry for being late, I was getting late lunch!" Panikal said happily. UK had a questionable look but ignored it. "Alright. But you must take a tardy slip for being late in gym and must explain after gym why you were late in general." UK said, seriously. Panikal just smiled. "Alright Uncle!" America finally finished his work out and got up, letting UK stand up again. Panikal went back to running, for the fun of it. Almodt all of the others sat on the side while one of them, ran with Panikal, presumably to ask questions and Panikal answering happily, like always. America did the splits then started stretching. "Hey, coach? When is wrestling week again?" America said, struggling to get his foot over his shoulder and infront of his head. "The wrestling week is in a week." UK sounding deadtoned. "Alright." America said, sounding stern but kept smiling, watching Panikal make friends with Phillip. "COUS! 8 O'CLOCK!" Panikal yelled. America got up from his splits quickly and stood up straight. "I'll be back coach!" America ran to the locker rooms. Panikal sighed and everyone else, except UK, were worried. Panikal ran to the locker rooms and did a hand signal towards UK. He nodded his head while Panikal entered the room. "Alright! Everyone go into the other locker room and change into your regular clothes! NOW!" He yelled out, demanding loudly. The others scattered to the other locker room.

[In the locker room with Panikal and Ame]

"Its okay cous! Just breathe! Breathe!" Panikal calmly said to America. America started breathing heavily. He was having an anxiety attack. Panikal can sense Ame's anxiety attacks from miles away. He felt sick and started puking into a trash can. "It is okay Ame... just... stay calm." Panikal, pats Ame's back. He felt awful but it was all he could do. He heard a small knock then a door creek. "Should I get ma?" UK 's voice echoed through the locker room. "Yes please, Uncle Nite.. he isn't doing well this time.." He said lowly. America kept puking, his anxiety going through the roof. Panikal rubbed his back slowly. [Tooooootally not relating from my own experience, tooooooootally] America finally stopped and sat on the ground, holding his stomach in agony. Panikal hugged Ame and kept him close. "Okay, France will come over real quick. Just keep calm and breathe." Ame nodded alowly and passed out on Panikal's chest. "UNCLE! HE PASSED OUT!" Panikal cried out, holding Ame closer. UK ran over and picked up Ame.

[To be continued]

[Hello my sinners and fluffers~ Today I decided to make it a bit shorter since I am getting planning to get a new job, so yeah.. I may not be able to write much but I'll try my hardest to and I will try my hardest to do better with writing and with my schedule! Love y'all bai!]

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