Chapter 5

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[By Life's Thicc Ass. I am sorry I am taking so long for these updates to come out! But Life has been trying fuck me recently and LET ME TELL YA. LIFE AINT DOMINATING MY ASS. Anyways! Onto this chapter!]

The boys ran around after taking some baby geese and ducks. Ame grabbed New Zealand and ran after the 3. Canada was the fastest out of the 3. America is very fast but Canada was always the fastest so Canada got away quickly. Panikal grabbed Aussie and used a shortcut. Panikal knows shortcuts to everything, except tests. America waved bye to the group of admirers and ran with New Zealand to the house. "VISIT ANYTIME GUYS! JUST GIVE A HEADS-UP!" Panikal yelled out and ran off with Aussie again.

[Minutes later]

Panikal sat with Aussie and Canada. They were getting a talking to by France for having ducks in the house. Panikal didn't care but he cared for France like another mother. So he acted like he cared, he didn't want to hurt France's feelings. She finished her rant and patted their heads and hugged us. She went over to the kitchen and started making dinner. [They got home early btw] UK was just laughing on the couch from the 3s ability to not get caught by the police for the 4th time. Panikal got up and hugged Aussie and Canada. He walked over to ZeZe and hugged him and hugged Ame. He grabbed his phone and bag. "I'll be back soon!" Panikal leaves the house. Ame sat there, sad. He considered Panikal, as another brother. Ame knew why he left and he hated it. Ame grabbed his bag and went to his room. Ame fell into sadness, he felt sick.

[Flashbacks/Ame's POV]
(⚠️Warning. This mentions abuse and sensitive topics⚠️)

I sat in that room for what felt like eternity of pain and suffering. My body ached in different ways. I heard the crack of a whip and felt the pain of it hitting my back. I felt my blood drip down my back from every time that whip made contact with my back. I flinched with every contact but I still didn't cry. I couldn't feel the pain anymore and gave up for hope on this family of mine. After a few more contacts, it finally stopped and the sound of a door opening and closing. I got up slowly, my legs feeling like broken glass was stabbed into my thighs from sitting on the cold floor for hours. I stood up and looked at the ceiling. I walked over to a corner and picked up a blade. I made slits into my arms and bandaged up my arms again. I looked at a window that was really high up. I heard cars drive off and looked around. I grabbed a table and one of the torture devices they used to hit me and put the table over to the window. I held the device in my hand and kept hitting the window. Nothing happened. I sighed and fell to my knees on the table. I couldn't anymore. I screamed. I snapped. I couldn't anymore. My throat grew weak from how loud I was but I kept going. Even after all the pain, I kept screaming. I finally stopped over my throat felt like it was torn in half. I started crying and jumped off the table. I saw the door and felt a rage built inside me. I grabbed the device and ran at the door. I started punching the door, I didn't care anymore. It didn't matter anymore. I DIDN'T CARE ANYMORE! I felt myself break slowly, I couldn't feel it anymore. All my pain was gone. I thought I was dying but no. The adrenaline took over. Finally the door opened and I was on my knees, punching the non existant door. The person picked me up and took me outside. I looked at the starry sky and felt happy. I looked at the person. "Hey... you okay kid?" The voice echoed out, they sounded like a kid. I slowly nodded off, feeling sick and then passed out.

[End of FlashBack/World's POV]

Ame woke up, tears pricked his eyes like rain. He fell sicker than before and cried in his bed. He hated those horrible memories. He wanted to be kind to all, even himself after all he's been through. But it is so hard to be close to people after all that pain he endured for years. It ended luckily when he turned 8, but... he still wonders why, after all he told Panikal, that Panikal would still go home to his horrendous family. He couldn't understand why- knock. He sat up straight. He looked around and looked at his window. He walked over and opened it. "Hey cous..." Panikal said, having a worried- bruised face. Ame stood there, wide eyed. His eyes stained with tears. Panikal opened his arms. "Come on.. it's alright.." Panikal mumbled. Ame ran and jumped into his cousin's arms. He cried into Panikal's shoulder and felt sick just crying and remembering those horrid memories. "It's okay Cous. I'll find those horrible creatures and make them regret hurting you." He held Ame tightly. His words felt like venom he could spit out at anyone. He felt Ame grow silent and put Ame to bed. Panikal patched up his face and went downstairs. France hugged Panikal and put an ice pack on his face.


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