Chapter 6

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[Recap: France hugged Panikal and put an icepack on his face.]

=Hours Later=

He sat there. His face pinged with pain and small cuts and bruises. He kept smiling. It was a sickening, upsetting smile. Like one who didn't care, one's whose soul no longer had happiness. He just, sat there, like a doll on a shelf, slowly gaining dust and slowly growing old. He finally moved but only to adjust the icepack on his face. France just cooked in the kitchen. Panikal, had been in that kitchen since 2 am. France had been up since 2:14 am. She cooked him food and waited until 5 am to cook food for the others. They all looked at Panikal and France, them both dead silent, France looking into nothing but the pan, cooking.
But Panikal... he looked at the table, but most importantly, his hands. It had small cuts on it, that poked through the bandages that wrapped his hand, like a present. But, what terrified the boys, was that the bandages were tinted pink. And the palm of the hand had a giant red spot. Panikal had no expression still, even after the boys asked him what happened, they hugged him and tried to beg for answers to see if he was alright. But France and Panikal fell silent, like before. Panikal knew. France knew. And they felt like it was time to not tell the boys. Not this time. Panikal got up and grabbed his backpack and his switchblade. "It's a saturday. I'm gonna take a walk." His voice boomed the room, even though he talked rather quietly. He opened the door and left quickly. The others, beside France, stood silent.

[Flashback, France's Past]

She was 8. She was in her room, her parents were arguing and screaming downstairs. Her sibling, was passed out on the floor next to her, she was cuddling her sibling since she was hurt but not horrible-y. She felt her world crash when she saw her sibling had a giant gash on her forehead. She grabbed a towel from her drawer and put pressure on the cut. She got up after silence came. All fell silence, not a peep, nor a whisper. No hoots and hollers, no yelling and no argues. All there was, was pure silence, and it made France happy. But her fear settled in too. She slowly walked to the door, slowly opening up, the creaking made the silence fall louder. Once she finished opening the door. She walked down the hall and down the stairs. She called out for help. "Help! Mom! Daad!" But... no one came and no noise peeped out. She slowly walked to the kitchen and..

[451 words. It was probably terrible, but short chapters are easier to edit, write, and put out, sorry for the slow as fuck Updates]

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