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"InK! LeAvE mE aLoNe!" Error shouted as he was walking through the white Void.

"Aw, come on, Error, " Ink said, " You really need to lighten up. Now, how about a game?"

Error pushed Ink away and continued walking. A pair of his blue strings was in his hand, and he was constantly fidgeting with it. As they continued walking, Ink bugging Error and Error becoming annoyed, something fell in front of them.

"WhAt Is ThAt?" Error asked.

Ink got closer to the thing and looked.  Suddenly, he stood up straight. "It's a human."

"WhAt?! WhY iS a HuMaN hErE?!" Error asked.

Ink shrugged, and the both of them took a closer look. The girl had dark, bluish-black hair tied up. She was wearing a blue jacket and jeans. They were trying to decide what to do when the girl began to stir. She groaned and opened one eye, revealing a grayish orb with a skull for a pupil. She looked up to see Ink and Error leaning over her.

"Who are you?!" she yelled, jumping to her feet. "Where am I?! Where's Moti?!"

Ink tried to calm her. "Calm down, miss. Just calm down and let us help you. You see, you're-"

But the girl didn't calm down. She got up off the ground and backed away from the two skeletons.

"How do I know you're not gonna kill me? Especially that weird-looking one?" she asked, pointing at Error, " He looks like he's planning to kill you. "

Error scoffed. "YoU wOuLd Be a WaStE oF mY eNeRgY. "

Just then, a small voice was heard from above. The words were faint, too faint to be distinguished. They looked up just in time to see a speck falling towards them. As the speck came closer, they could see that it was a girl with black hair and purple eyes with crescent moons for pupils. As the girl got closer, they could hear her scream, "I'm coming, Clarisa!"

The girl, now known as Clarisa, sighed. "How dumb is she? I was really hoping that she wouldn't jump down the hole after me."

"Um, are you going to catch her?" Ink asked. 

Clarisa didn't say anything, but when Moti was close enough to catch, she grabbed Ink's arm and placed him right below Moti. Ink looked up just as Moti landed on him.

"C-could you please get off of me?" Ink asked.

Moti got off of Ink and helped him up. When she took a closer look at Ink, she began freaking out.

"Oh my gosh! You're Ink! I'm a big fan of yours!" she squealed.

Clarisa covered Moti's mouth. "Yes, but before fangirling, WHY DID YOU JUMP?!"

"I just wanted to rescue you, " Moti said, doing her famous puppy eyes, "You fell, and I didn't know what to do. The rational thing to do was jump in after you."

As they continued arguing, Error said, "ThEy ArE gIvInG mE a HeAdAcHe. "

"So, you two are sisters?" Ink asked the girls. 

"Yeah, but you can't tell, " Clarisa said. 

When the skeletons looked closer at Clarisa, they finally noticed the wolf ears on her head and the tail behind her. 

"WhAt ArE yOu?" Error asked. 

"I'm Clarisa, and I'm half-human and half-wolf, " she introduced, " And this is my sister, Moti. "

"Wait, " Ink said, " If you're a wolf, then why is she a human?"

Clarisa shrugged. "She's probably a late bloomer. "

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