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The next day, Moti was up early, excited that Ink was taking them to see some of the different aus.  After getting ready,  she went to Clarisa's room to wake her up. When she went in the room, Clarisa was still sleeping. Moti, who was filled with great ideas, went to the kitchen and grabbed two pans. Sneaking back into Clarisa's room and began banging the pans together.

 Sneaking back into Clarisa's room and began banging the pans together

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(Lol! 🤣 Always will love this meme!)

Thanks to the banging pans, Clarisa jumped out of the bed and landed on the floor.

"Moti?" Clarisa said.

Moti leaned over her sister and said in her sweetest voice, "Yes, Clarisa? Are you okay?"

"I'MMA KILL YOU!" Clarisa screamed, getting off the floor and chasing Moti around the house. "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO WAKE ME UP LIKE THAT!"

Moti giggled as she ran away from her pajama-clad sister. After being chased around the couch, through the kitchen, around the outside of the house, and through the game room, Moti hid behind a tired Ink, who had been watching the whole time.

"Inky~she's gonna murder me, " Moti said.

Clarisa growled. "Of course I will. Who wouldn't after being woken up by banging pots?!"

Suddenly, Clarisa felt something pull her back. Her wrists, arms,and legs became entangled in a mass of blue and black strings.

"Why is it that you're so loud in the morning?" Error groaned.

"Because you would be too if you had to deal with this girl, " Clarisa groaned. 

Error's face suddenly had a red tint, and he looked away. Clarisa was confused until she looked down and realized that she was still wearing her pajama shorts and tank top.

"Pervert!" she yelled.

She broke free of the strings and gave Error a good smack on the back of his head. "I. Hate. Perverts."

"I wouldn't be a pervert if you would wear something less...revealing, " Error muttered.

"A tank top and shorts is not revealing!" she yelled.

Ink and Moti gave each other knowing looks.

"We'll just leave you guys alone and go make breakfast, " Moti said as she and Ink slowly backed into the kitchen.

"Oh hell naw, I'm going to take a shower, " Clarisa muttered as she headed to her room, "I'm not leaving my sister with a skeleton that dances with a brush."

"I don't dance with Broomey!" Ink yelled from the kitchen.

(after a few minutes)

Moti, Ink, and Error were in the kitchen when Clarisa came in.

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