Chapter Six: Backstage

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Project Harry - Chapter Six

~~ Henry’s P.O.V ~~

Getting backstage was easy, because we out graded any security member that stopped us. They lead us through behind the stage, which was now silent. We heard the often loud scream from the crowd, but that was it.

We found the five boys sat in their dressing room, arguing loudly. Just by listening from outside the room, we found that they had put the show on hold, which didn’t please anyone except Harry.

The boys’ manager, a large man called Paul Higgins, eventually came by and entered the room without knocking. The 5 lads all looked round when he entered, me and Tanaya following in behind.

As Paul began to explain who we were, the five lads looked us up and down. Well, when I say us, they were mainly looking at Tanaya.

I wasn’t surprised, seeing Tanaya wearing her protocol tight black uniform. She was skinny, because she had to be. Every mission required a high level of fitness, which she certainly had. I glanced at her, to see if she was listening to Paul.

She wasn’t, like I had expected.

~~ Tanaya’s P.O.V ~~

Henry and I followed Paul into the dressing room, finding the five lads already looking round. He began talking but I wasn’t paying attention. The boys scanned me and Henry, their eyes travelling down my body.

I glanced down, feeling stupid in my tight black gear in front of the five teenagers. I sighed, crossing my arms across my chest for a little protection from their prying eyes.

I scanned the room, studying the five serious faces. The blonde boy was quite small compared to the others, wearing a red polo shirt, light brown chinos and massive white trainers. His piercing blue eyes flickered from me to Paul.

My eyes moved onto a brunette boy with amazingly blue eyes, mainly focusing on Paul, to my relief. He wore bright red trousers and a black shirt, his braces tight on his shoulders.

Sitting next to him was the other brunette boy, his face very serious. He wore white trousers, a checked shirt covering his muscles. He looked stressed, his hair looking as though he had been running his hands through it.

Next to him was the black haired boy, his eyes mainly travelling down my body. He wore a varsity jacket, which outlined his wide frame. He was biting his lip in concentration, smiling a little. I felt heat rushing to my cheeks.

Harry, the only one I recognised, was on the end, bearing light circles under his eyes. His hair looked perfectly moulded to frame his face, and he wore a smart jacket over a white t-shirt. But it wasn’t his clothes I was looking at.

His eyes were a brilliant green, like the photo I had been shown, but they were piercing my skull as he stared at me intently. They were like emeralds, sparkling in the light room, just watching me.

I looked down to avoid blushing, listening to Paul again.

~~ Henry’s P.O.V ~~

“Harry, why’d you walk off, mate?” Paul finished explaining who we were, and turned to Harry. Harry peeled his gaze off of Tanaya, and stared at Paul.

“Are you joking? I’m going to die out there!” he cried, his voice surprisingly deep, even for a 19 year old. The boy I knew as Liam stood from where he was sitting.

“For god’s sake, Haz, everyone in security and these guys are protecting you. You don’t even need that hard vest you’re wearing!” he yelled, furiously stalking out for the room and down the corridor.

The blonde lad, Niall, apologized for Liam and went to go after him. I shook my head, telling him to stay.

I turned to Tanaya. “Go after him, would you Tanaya?”


Authors Note: Hey guys! This is the first story I've written, so sorry if it isn't great. Thankyou for all the lovely comments, please keep them coming! Hope you enjoy the story so far!

I update LOADS cos I get bored, and really want the whole story up soon. :) x Next part coming really soon!x

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