Chapter Twenty Two: The Meeting

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Project Harry - Chapter Twenty-Two

~~ Harry’s P.O.V ~~

Louis agreed to take me to the hospital, as long as he got to pick the music on the way there. And boy was I regretting that now.

“If I lay here!” Louis belted out, as the car pulled to a stop outside the hospital. “If I just lay here!” his singing deafened me, along with the full volume on the radio.

I rolled my eyes, and hit the off button. I chuckled as Louis pouted at me. “I’ll go park, you go find your lover!” he cried dramatically, pointing towards the hospital entrance like it was a scene from Shakespeare. I scowled at him, but leapt out of the car all the same.

I strode up to the front desk, spotting a middle aged lady sitting behind it. Her glasses looked as though they were about to fall off her nose. “Can I help you?”

“Yes, please. I’m looking for a Tanaya? Tanaya Ross?” I requested, pulling my beany down a little to cover more curls. The woman smiled.

“Yes, room 27, Mr Styles.” I thanked her before freezing in my tracks.

“How did you know my name?” I asked, a little scared. The lady smiled again.

“I’m not that unsociable, you know, I have a granddaughter! And Mr Harris said to look out for a curly haired gentleman asking for Tanaya. Off you go now!” she turned away with a flick of her hand. I smiled, and turned down the corridor.

I turned down the twisting hospital corridors, finally coming to a door with the number 27 on. I didn’t notice my breathing had gotten harder, and my stomach was twisted in a knot of nervousness. I stopped outside the room, just staring at the room number, before hearing a deep chuckled behind me.

I spun around to find Henry standing with an amused smile playing on his lips. I grinned nervously, making him chuckled more.

“Harry, go in. She’s been asking about you for days.” He nodded towards the door. As I reached for the handle, he stopped me. “Just don’t freak out, okay?”

~~ Tanaya’s P.O.V ~~

I’m not going to lie; it felt good to be back in England, even if I was in a hospital bed. It was boring, but I managed.

I lay in my bed reading some story on Jane’s iPad when Henry came in. I was greeted with a smile and he stood grinning in the doorway. I dropped the iPad and narrowed my eyes at him.

“What, Henry? What is it?” I sighed, rubbing one eye wearily. He shrugged calmly and stepped to the side, revealing a tall figure entering behind him.

He wore a huge grin on his face, making his green eyes light up. His curls fell around his face, and he flicked them out of his eyes. His eyes burned into mine, making me feel like he could see through me.

“Hey, Tanaya.” He waved a little, settling at the edge of the bed. I stayed staring at him in surprise before taking a deep breath.

“Urm… Hi, Harry.” I smiled nervously, not really noticing Henry leave the room. “What are you doing here?” I frowned a little, setting the iPad on the side table next to me.

“I missed you too.” Harry chuckled sarcastically, making me blush. “I just felt like I should visit, you know? It was partly our fault this…. Happened…” he trailed off, leaving me a little bit puzzled. I thought I saw a tear glisten in his eye, but I pushed the thought away.

“You know this wasn’t your fault, right?” I gestured to my bandages, not once taking my eyes off of his. For the first time since he entered, he glanced at my injuries. His face went pail, as he scanned the bruises with his eyes. He stood from the bed.

“I’m so sorry…” his fingers lightly followed the gash on my leg, moving to my bruised arms and bandaged arm. His gaze met mine again, this time his eyes full of guilt. I took his hand in mine to reassure him.

“It’s not your problem, don’t be sorry.” I shook my head a little, and he squeezed my hand gently. He sat down beside me once again.

“What if I want it to be my problem?” he whispered.

~~ Harry’s P.O.V ~~

I was barely holding myself together, and Tanaya was only making it harder. I was filled with guilt as she took my hand in hers. Her cool grasp made my breathing shallower.

“It’s not your problem, don’t be sorry.” She shook her head slightly, causing me to force back tears. I squeezed her hand as gently as I could, but even so she winced in pain. I sat down beside her on a chair next to the hospital bed.

“What if I want it to be my problem?” I whispered, now as close to her as I dared to go. Her blue eyes stared back at me, not leaving my face.

But they weren’t the same eyes I had seen two months previously. The playful spark had gone, leaving a dark mysterious gaze in their place. I realised what she must have been put through to get rid of that spark, and mentally slapped myself. What was I doing?

I let my eyes flicker downwards. “I’m sorry…”

“Sorry for what?” Tanaya’s head cocked to one side as I leant back a little. I tried not to meet her gaze, but it was a hard thing to do.

“Urm… for… like…err…” I stuttered, trying to think of something to say.

“Trying to make a move when I’ve just been through a whole lot of shit?” Tanaya’s voice raised a little as her eyes burned into my head. I nodded sheepishly. “Don’t be sorry, I haven’t seen a human face in days, apart from Henry. He was driving me insane!” she added, chuckling a little. I grinned back.

The door suddenly burst open, revealing a grinning Louis.

“Tanaya! How you feeling babe?” he asked, bringing out a bunch of flowers from behind his back and handing them to her. She took them and smiled at Louis.

“I’m not doing too badly, thank you! You must be Louis Tomlinson!” the smile didn’t reach her eyes, but Louis didn’t seem to notice and nodded happily.

“And boy have I heard your name a lot over the past weeks!” Louis cried, clapping a hand on my shoulder. I had to restrain myself from hitting him right then.


Authors Note: Hey guys! Okay, this chapter wasn't the most exciting, but I promise it does get better soon!

This chapter I've dedicated to iNialls, since I wouldn't have updated if she didn't comment.

Right, for the next chapter you guys are going to have to comment. I have had an awful day at school, and need some cheering up. So comment pleasse!!! I'll update when I'm feeling a bit happier.

Okay byee x

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