Chapter Thirty Nine: I remember

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Project Harry - Chapter Thirty-Nine

~~ Louis’ P.O.V ~~

“Lou, what did she say?” Niall hissed, trying not to be overheard by Harry and Tanaya. I scowled at him before once again squishing my ear to the keyhole. I heard footsteps, but my brain didn't really register them until it was too late.

The door suddenly swung open, and I lost balance. I fell, sprawling out on the carpet of Harry’s room. I landed with a thud, and Harry glared down at me. I smiled innocently, and waved up at him

“Hey, guys. Fancy seeing you here…”

“Louis, I advise you to run. Now.”  Harry growled, withdrawing his arm from when it had been placed on Tanaya’s waist. I scrambled to my feet, but decided to make him a little bit angrier. Why am I such an idiot...?

“Well you’re going out now! Good on ya!” I grinned at Harry, managing a small grin out of him. I thought for a second about how to annoy him, and had an idea.

“Keep it PG, eh? She’s an innocent girl, Harry!” I added, winking at Tanaya before sprinting into the kitchen.

“LOUIS!” Harry roared, his heavy footsteps thumping behind me. I squealed  loudly as I ran around the apartment, away from Harry’s colourful language. Niall and Tanaya were just about crying from laughter at the chase.

Well… I’m glad they found it funny…

 ~~ Tanaya’s P.O.V ~~

I leant on Niall for support as I laughed uncontrollably. Louis had fear etched into his face as he ran towards me, but I didn’t pay attention to what he was doing. Before I knew it, I was draped over his back in a comfortable piggy-back.

Louis was panting, but he still managed to hold me up. “Don’t hurt me, Harry, or I’ll drop her!” he warned. Harry stopped dead, and put his hands up in surrender.  I was still laughing like a maniac.

I wiped a tear from my eye as Lou set me back on the ground again. I tried to speak, but all the words were just drowned out by squawks of laughter. Once I’d caught my breath again I tried to get the words out.

“Remember when you guys first introduced yourselves? And Harry was the curly one?” I spluttered, pointing at the green eyed boy. He grinned, and chuckled at the memory.

Louis smirked. “Oh yeah, and I was your favourite one!” he grinned, nudging my arm. Harry scowled, but I just giggled.

Niall just stood with a shocked expression on his face.

“Tanaya, you remember that?!” he asked quickly, the other two boys hurriedly joining in with faces full of surprise. I frowned and nodded.

Harry broke out into a large grin. “You remember!”

Then it hit me. I remembered. I remembered first meeting the boys. I remembered my little home town. I remembered the house in which I stayed before the mission. I remembered before the concert.

I could remember it all.

~~ Louis’ P.O.V ~~

Oh dear. She could remember before the concert. She could remember her spy training. She could go back to missions and we’d never see her again.  


“That’s amazing!” I cheered, a fake smile plastered on my face. I watched as Harry engulfed her in a huge bear hug, and Niall grinned from ear to ear… whilst scoffing down a packet of Doritos.

As Tanaya was so busy discussing her memory with Harry, I was able to slink off unnoticed. I shut the door to my bedroom and leant against it.

I let my back slide down the smooth wood, my knees colliding with my chest as I sat on my bedroom carpet. We couldn’t lose Tanaya. Harry wouldn’t cope, I know he wouldn’t. I sighed, running a hand through my hair. A thought then popped in to my head, and I think it was this that kept me sane.

Well. As sane as I would ever be.

We survived before we had Tanaya, we were fine. Happier, infact. We had no girl troubles before her. But I guess now we knew what we were missing. Harry was so happy now, and if she broke his heart again I would personally unfriend her on Facebook...


Authors Note: Hey guys! :) I am so happy right now. Just listened to the boys on The Hits Radio, plus I now have 7,000 reads on PH! I actually love the world.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Been a bit ill, but I'm okay now :) Thank you so much for reading and stuff. I know I say that alot, but oh well.

Anyways. Vote and comment!!! I tried to make Louis funny, so tell me what you think! :) Xxx Byee x

Project Harry (Harry Styles Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz