Chapter Thirty Five: Louis' Plan

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Project Harry - Chapter Thirty-Five

~~ Tanaya’s P.O.V ~~

I finally had got rid of that stupid cast of mine. Instead of the bulky green plastic, I had a light bandage wrapped tightly around my ankle and it felt great. I could now get around with just crutches for support, along with a worried Henry by my side.

Not only that, but I was now wearing normal clothes rather than the revealing hospital gowns. I now wore jeans and a long grey T-Shirt, courtesy of the lost and found box. It was comfy, that's all I cared about.

As I set my empty food tray on the floor, there was a knock at the door. Almost immediately, the two boys from yesterday appeared in the doorway. The one I was told as Louis grinned at me, but the other just stood staring at me.

“Hello, Tanaya!” Louis greeted cheerily, waving happily. The other lad flashed me a hesitant smile, and waved with a little less enthusiasm.

“Hey. Louis, is it?” I guessed, recalling Henry saying his name. The bouncy boy nodded, grinning widely. The other boy stood in front of me, smiling expectantly.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know your name…” I said shyly. The boys’ eyes widened, but he nodded slowly. Louis chewed his lip before speaking.

“This is Harry…” he was cut off by his mobile buzzing his pocket. He slipped it out and scanned the screen with his eyes, his smile drooping a little. I glanced at Harry, and smiled at him. He smiled back, his green eyes piercing my own, making me a little self-conscious.

“Crap. Harry, we have to go. Sorry, Tanaya. We have a signing in a few hours...” Louis interrupted my thoughts, and I shrugged at him, letting him know it was okay.

As they left my room, I couldn’t help but wish they would come back. I'd been cooped up in a depressing hospital room for ages now, and they had been the best company I had so far.

Even if I did have no memory of them whatsoever…

~~ Harry’s P.O.V ~~

I tried to remain calm as Louis bustled me out of the room, despite the pain on the inside.

She didn’t remember my name. She really didn’t know who I was.  I didn't really know what I was expecting, but I think part of me hoped that when she saw me she'd instantly remember everything. I think hoping is bad for me...

I heard Louis mutter a curse, and turned to face him.

“Be right back. I forgot my shoe…” I thought I saw a hint of a smile as he charged back into the room, but said nothing.

I also thought he was joking, but glancing down I realised he really did only have one shoe on. I let it go, after all, he was a very odd child.

Yeah, child. Not teenager. He's not even that mature...

~~ Tanaya’s P.O.V ~~

To my surprise, Louis re-entered the room in a hurry. I stared at him as he scrambled to put his shoe back on. I smirked at the questionable sight.

“Is everything okay?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at the tall brunette. He finished pulling on his shoe, and stood up to face me.

“There’s something you need to know, and you need to know it before Harry breaks down out there.” He babbled, gesturing to the corridor. I didn’t know how to reply, so I didn’t. Instead, I let Louis continue.

“You don’t remember Harry, so I’m going to tell you what you’ve forgotten.” Before I could say anything, he carried on. “While you… err… weren’t here, Harry cried himself to sleep every night. He prayed that when he saw you again that you’d be alive. He was literally worried sick.”

His words shocked me. I would’ve thought he was joking if his expression wasn’t so serious. “But he barely knew me! Why did he get so upset?”

“You’ll have to ask him that.” Louis shrugged, and began talking again. “When you came here, he visited you every day. The first night, you had a nightmare, waking up in the middle of the night trembling with fear. Harry was there to calm you down. You fell back to sleep holding his hand, but he didn’t complain when you almost cut off his blood circulation!

“When he found out you couldn’t remember who he was, he broke down. In the middle of a park, might I add, and we had no idea where he was. He was devastated. He didn’t want to move, he didn’t want to do anything. When we found him, he was blue with cold. I know you don’t remember what he did for you, but I do.”

I was silent. I didn’t know what to say. If Harry was so worried about me, so nice to me, why wasn’t I grateful before? Why didn’t I thank him? What was wrong with me? I became annoyed quickly.

“Send Harry in please, Louis.” I requested quietly, staring into space. I heard Louis smirk before he left the room. I didn’t know what I was going to say to him, but he needed to know how grateful I was.

I know for a fact that I’d never had someone cry for me before, so he had been the first.


Authors Note: Well hi! I know this chapter wasn't great, so i might upload the next right now. It explains more...  ;)

Anyways, I've now got this all planned. There will be 41 chapters in total, and then probably a Prologue after that. It drags on a little, but there's a hhaaapppyyy ennnddiinngg!

Teehee... Vote and comment! And I cannot believe the amount of reads on this! If you like this, then you should go read the first chapter of Double Act! Comment and Vote on that too! GO GO GO!

Thankyou for sticking with this for so long! Love new fans and comments, so make me happy! ;)

I think I'm done now... okay bye! :) Xxx

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