Chapter Nine: Where is she?

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Project Harry - Chapter Nine

~~ Harry’s P.O.V ~~

The boys laughed and joked while I was in the shower, just like normal. As I got out I heard them all in fits of giggles, especially Niall. I quickly got changed and dried my hair with Zayn’s hairdryer. Shaking it into place, I left the bathroom.

I stopped to pick up my phone, and heard the door to the tour bus burst open. There was a heavy thud and Niall’s cheerful laughter, and I entered to find Mr Harris at the door.

And Louis was lying on the floor, for some odd reason...

He was out of breath, and looked stressed. Liam walked to the kitchen to get him a drink as we sat him down on the sofa next to a dopy Niall. Liam brought him a bottle of water, earning a thankyou.

Henry looked panicked, which worried me greatly. “What’s up?” chirped Lou, making the man look up.

“Nothing… nothing… it’s just… you haven’t seen Tanaya anywhere have you?” he asked looking round at us all.

My breath caught in my throat. We shook our heads, which apparently wasn’t what he wanted to hear. He hung his head in his hands.

“Why? Where is she?” I asked nervously, chewing my lip. He sighed, not looking up from the floor.

“I can’t find her anywhere. I’ve checked the whole arena three times and she isn’t there. I don’t know what to do any more…” His voice rose with panic, Niall putting a hand on his shoulder.

“Dude, that’s not your fault!” Zayn shook his head handing him the water and making him drink. The four lads began reassuring him that she was just lost. It was a large arena, after all.

I didn’t say anything. I was lost in my thoughts; my brain conjuring up the worst scenario’s possible. I clenched my hand to stop them, and was snapped back to reality.

“Why don’t you call the police?” I asked as I stood and wandered to the kitchen area. Henry’s head snapped up.

“I’m such an idiot…” he muttered, slamming his head into his hand. Louis frowned.

“You didn’t call the police?” he asked, narrowing his eyes in confusion. Henry looked at him oddly.

“No, not that! Harry was never in any real danger. It was always Tanaya. Why didn’t I see it before?” he began cursing himself, much to our confusion. I leant on the counter.

“Mr Harris, what are you talking about? Where is Tanaya?” I asked, confused about how he got to his conclusion. He completely ignored my question.

“I knew she was too young for the job…” he said to himself, disappointedly.

“Out of curiosity, how old is she?” I asked, getting glares from the boys. Henry chuckled.

“Too young… just eighteen years old…” he said quietly. My spirits both rose and sunk.  Yeah, she was our age…ish, but way too young to be dealing with this kind of shit.

“What am I still doing here?!” Henry yelled, leaping from the sofa in anger. He flashed us a smile, and darted for the door.

“But wait! What’s happened to Tanaya?” I cried. He turned quickly, his back facing out of the door.

“She’s been kidnapped by a man name Johnny Shaw, and that is NOT a good thing. So I have to go. You’ll be contacted if you can help in any way possible.” He added, hurrying out of the bus.

The room was silent for a few seconds before Niall spoke.

“Shit, man. An eighteen year old spy getting kidnapped by an evil criminal. I need a fucking shower…” he shook his head before heading into the bathroom. Louis chuckled at his comment, and slid the laptop onto his lap.

“Who the hell is Johnny Shaw?” Zayn wondered aloud, sinking into the sofa. Louis swore violentlyat his laptop screen, making Liam glare at him.

“Sorry Liam, it’s just… Jesus, guys look at this!” he said sadly.


Authors Note: Hey guys! This wasn't the most interesting chapter, but I promise it will get better! Thankyou so much for your comments, an please tell me what you think! I'll update really soon x

Project Harry (Harry Styles Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon