chapter 《3》

81 3 1

Jimin pov

Hello there, names park jimin! I'm know all around the world, I'm quite famous indeed. But not in a good way, you see I'm a criminal, the best of the best! My specialty is robbing banks cuz it's so easy!! I mean the security in places like that is no match for me! I also like sneaking into rich people's houses to steal anything valuable and that will get me good money.

I've been doing this for about 5 or 6 years now, I started at the age of 15, well, I was 14 when I did my first robbery and the next day I turned 15.

It came out just like I planned, do you know why I did it, cuz I hate filthy rich people and people that think they can control people lower than them.

I hate that! That's one of the reasons why I like to steal from them.

My life is like "I want it, I got it" and I love it!! I get what I want, I get what I didn't have when I was a kid, I get everything!!

Well...except a boyfriend. I mean like who would want to date someone like me?! I'm the most wanted criminal in the whole world?!

I really want someone to love and care about, but I'm a criminal, no one will love me. If they do then they must be crazy.

"Why the long face" I heard a voice question behind me.

I turned around seeing one of the members of my gang, I let a sigh and looked down.

"I'm tired of being alone, I want someone to be by my side" I answered him, he let a nod and sat beside me.

"I see. It must be tough for someone your age to not have someone to love" he said and pat my back.

I nodded and rested my head on my hand palm, I then heard a small laugh come from besides me, I look at the guy and raised an eyebrow.

"What's so funny?" I question, he stopped laughing and looked at me.

"Well for what I know is that the police doesn't know anything about you, your face, name, gender, mostly everything is not revealed" he answered, I looked at him with wide eyes.

"You're right! They don't know anything about me!" I yelled and smiled but then faded "why is that important?" I questioned

He let a laugh and started explaining to me "you see since they don't know anything about you, you can go out in the city like a normal person, without being suspicious" he explained as I smiled. "Not only that but maybe we can write to you in a school! You'll be a normal college student" he smiled at me as he explained more.

"You're saying that I can make friends and go to the city without being too noticeable or suspicious of me being a most wanted criminal?" I questioned, he nodded with a smile on his lips.

I jump up in joy, I had the biggest smile on my face I can master. I looked at the guy and got closer to his face.

"What do I have to do to be able to enter a school?" I questioned as he laughed

"Well first we must go and see what school is willing to accept you in, second of all ask them what they need of you, third of all get everything ready, like your backpack, school supplies, uniform, and other things," he said as I nodded.

"Then what're we waiting for? Let's get moving!!" I yelled and walked back to the building I use to hide. From the outside, it looks like an abandoned building but from the inside is the same.

My actual hid out is beneath the building, there's a secret elevator that takes you there so police officers won't find it easily.

I went to the elevator with the guy beside me and I did a code with the numbers and it started going down and down until it stopped. The doors opened and the guy and I stepped out of the elevator.

I skipped to my office saying hello to anyone I meet my way there. They all smiled and waved at me.

When I was in front of my office door I opened it and went inside, the guy right behind me, he closed the door as he entered and sat in one of the chairs I have in front of the desk.

I smiled at the guy and jumped up and down on my seat in excitement.

"Ok let's get this started!" I yelled happily and grabbed my laptop, I turned it on and put my password in.

I then started to search for schools close to where I live. I eventually found three of them close by, I showed the guy and he nodded. I let him borrow my laptop as he did the stuff, I was smiling and just too excited to even speak. After some minutes I heard a sound come from my laptop, I went and peek seeing that I was accepted in a school.
I let a cheer in excitement, I looked at the guy as he started reading.

"Ok boss, you were accepted in the school named "Big Hit" for what I see it teaches young fellow their dream of becoming anything they want; teachers, nurses, doctors, singers, dancers, etc," he said making me nod

"There are many classes here so it lets you pick at least 7 normal classes and 3 clubs. You'll receive a paper with all of your classes and clubs for the whole week, they might change but you'll be able to know where they are once you get used to it" he explained and turned the screen to me.

I started to scroll through the list of the option I have, I ended up picking chemistry, history, math, gym, gymnastics, art, dance, and singing. When I finished I submitted my answers and waited for their response.

After some time waiting patiently something showed up on my screen, I started reading. I let a cheer as I finished reading.

"Yes!! I was accepted and I'll start tomorrow!" I yelled in joy, I did a small happy dance.

"Well done boss, since you'll be starting tomorrow at 6 in the morning I suggest you go to sleep. Do not worry I'll tell everyone about this so you'll be able to sleep and not be disturbed by the noise" the guys said making me smile, I nodded and thanked him

I skipped to my room and went to sleep, I'll shower in the morning. I set my alarm at 5 am and went to sleep with a smile.

1132 words✡✅

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