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"Her name is Akemi Haruto. Her ability allows her to control the minds of all of those without abilities. The only thing is, she can only activate her powers during dusk and dawn. Once she controls someone, they're under her control until killed, or until she is killed. Our mission is so kill her. She's sent threats to the Port Mafia, saying that she would be attacking sometime this week. If she controls everyone in the city, we're done for. You get the idea?"

Mitsuyo nodded along as Dazai spoke, the three teenagers sat in a taxie. "So you want me to distract her? While Chuuya takes her down or something?"

"That's what I left out. She's immune to all abilities, meaning the only thing that could hurt her is someone without an ability." Dazai grinned sheepishly, flinching as she glared at him.

"How is her ability activated?"

"She must make eye contact with someone who is without an ability. So, we need you to fight her. We just don't have a plan, so feel free to shout out." Dazai let out a sigh, attempting to think of ways they could face it.

Mitsuyo hummed to herself, looking over at Chuuya with a quirked eyebrow. "I know jack shit about either of you, so tell me about yourselves. I'm genuinely interested."

"How does this help us with the mission?" Chuuya growled, huffing as he slouched deeper into his seat. His arms were folded, clearly tense in the situation. "I don't want to even work with you. I'm just gonna have to save your ass anyways. You're practically sitting in my lap, so if you could move over that'd be great."

Mitsuyo scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I'm sorry, there's no room. But yknow, I'll move over I guess." She hummed, while unbuckling her seatbelt. Chuuya raised an eyebrow, confused. She fixed her position, laying her head on Dazai's lap, purposely putting her legs across Chuuya's lap. "You didn't really tell me where to scootch, so here I am." She shrugged, looking up at the ceiling.

"I'll kick your ass-"

"I'd kick yours but I'm actually surprisingly comfortable." Mitsuyo retorted, huffing as she closed her eyes. She laid on top of Dazai, falling asleep a few minutes later. Dazai laid there frozen, looking at Chuuya with a 'help me' expression.

Chuuya did nothing but laugh lowly, his grin growing. He definitely found it entertaining. Despite the girl's attitude and sass, he actually really enjoyed working with her. Chuuya thought she would make a great addition to the team and already fits in. Her arguing with him, and her bickering with Dazai. She fit in perfectly with the small duo.


"Wake up, dumbass!" Chuuya hissed, shaking the two violently. He sighed heavily, scoffing as he struggled to wake the two up. Dazai somehow fell asleep as well, himself and Mitsuyo sleeping on each other. The masked assassin groaned, punching Chuuya with a weak arm, slowly waking up. Rolling her eyes, she let out a long yawn.

"Wha- you didn't have to give me a seizure to wake me up." The younger girl whined, sitting up from a still sleeping Dazai. "Besides, we're not even her-wH" She was cut off by a half-asleep Dazai pulling her back down. He consciously pulled her to his lap, nuzzling into Mitsuyo's neck. The girl stiffened, looking down at her lap in silence.

"This is my life now. I'm stuck in the hold of an eighteen year old suicidal brat who always wishes he were dead, and forced to be stared at by an overly angry crab-headed ginger. Hah, life is wOnderful." She mumbled to herself, knowing very well that Chuuya could hear. Dazai's grip on Mitsuyo tightened, causing her to flinch slightly. She let out a small sigh, easing into his grip.

Dazai nuzzled closer to Mitsuyo, inhaling with a small huff following. "I'm perfectly content to being alive in this moment." He hummed against her shoulder. Mitsuyo rolled her eyes, sighing. Of course he was actually awake- why wouldn't he be?

"Well-now that you're up- let's discuss the mission more. Where are we going? How are we going to find her?" She questioned, only getting a loud sigh from Dazai.

"Now I wanna die."

"Grow up! The girl's right, we gotta focus on the mission." Chuuya spoke with a calm voice, which shocked both of the other teenagers. With a nod, Dazai agreed to focus on their mission.

"Right, we looked into the identity of Akemi Haruto. She works at a highschool which is-right around the corner at this point." Dazai looked out of the window, as they turned the corner to show a large highschool. Not to mention it looked as fancy as it could've been.
  "We need to go undercover in the school, we have people waiting with uniforms for us. The next week, we have to attend school normally and keep a close eye on the threat. We need to always be a step ahead."

"The catch is, this isn't a normal school. It's a gambling school. Alongside normal classes, more than half of the day is purely gambling with other students. The more money and popularity we get, the easier it will be to get close to our target." Chuuya added onto Dazai, explanation, as the taxi was parked outside of the school. Mitsuyo raised an eyebrow, nodding nonetheless.

"Easy. We get popular, make money, kill a bitch."



"Awwh, come on it can't be that bad~" Dazai cooed from outside of the dressing room, himself and Chuuya already in their school uniforms.

Chuuya hit Dazai, who pouted afterwards. "Give her some damn space, Dazai." He growled, though he wasn't paying any attention. "What are you starin-" Chuuya looked behind him, to see Mitsuyo.

She stared at the ground, fidgeting with her fingernails. Her semi-long hair was down, practically covering her face. The uniform was just like theirs in design. She wore a black and white plaid skirt, with a white shirt underneath her black blouse. "I'm extremely uncomfortable, so if you could not stare at me that'd be nice." She gulped, looking away from the two.

"Come on, Mitsu~ You look great! Where's that confident sassy girl I know? Ooh, I know!" Dazai grinned, strutting up to her. "You forgot this in the car." His hands went up to her neck, gently putting her upside down cross choker on.
  "You're stressed because you think you need to act for this mission when you don't. You already have the personality to be the top of this school. As far as you're concerned, this is your school." Dazai said smoothly, hoping to give her some confidence before they went into the school. He gently moved some of her hair out of the way, a soft smile on his face.

Mitsuyo looked softly into Dazai's hazel-brown eyes, smiling back with the same sparkles in her eyes. "Thank you." She whispered back, nodding her head gently.

"Let's go ruin some lives." She smirked, a devilish gleam in her eyes. She turned around, making her way to the school. The others followed almost immediately, the three of them forming a little line.

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