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hello so mAYBE my inspiration died for a quick minute- shhh we don't talk about that,, im sorry aaa

thank you for 300 reads already <33


"Everybody welcome our newest students! Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara, and Mitsuyo Sakunosuke. Since they're new students, we all know how to welcome them, yes?" The girl introduced them, suspecting to be the popular girl, or maybe a student council member?

The students all cheered, excitement buzzing throughout the room. Some snickered, while others looked at the three with curiosity. "You three have the gamble. Whenever new people transfer, we pause everything just to gamble with them!" The same black-haired girl grinned, looking over at all of the students that gathered. "So it's fair, you get to choose your own opponents! You can pick anyone in the crowd, however, here's a list of our top students."

"Haru Hatsume. Ranked 5th best student. He's quite intimidating.
Ashai Suki. Ranked 4th best student, she's on the council.
Reo Suki. Ranked 3rd best student, and best male student.
Aimi Suki. Ranked 2nd best student. The best student in the Suki family name. A great bunch, really.
Undefeated Champion, who has beat every member on the Student Council; Riku Haruto. She's related to our favourite teacher. The blood she has is filled with top gamblers! Her parents before were top students, as well as theirs! Not that you'd challenge her, you'd be in debt for your life!"

The students cheered for each name that was said, you could tell the excitement they all held. "Now, I'll go down the line, and you must pick your opponent! It can be a top 5, or someone in the crowd. It's your choice!"

Chuuya was first to pick, as he stared at the crowd with a focused eye. Some students directly looked away from him, intimidated by a mere glance. "I challenge Haru Hatsume. I doubt he's intimidating." He grinned, smirking his signature smirk.

Dazai was next in line, a bored expression on his face. "I suppose I'll challenge Ashai Suki. I'm interested in your council." He yawned, unimpressed by the crowd in front of him.

Mitsuyo grinned, looking at the girl who had been introducing everything. She strutted up, that look in her eyes still shining strongly. "Dare to gamble with me, dear Riku-san?" She pursed her lips, hand held out towards her opponent with a quirked brow.

Students gasped, shock filling some of their faces. Mitsuyo's opponent's face stayed completely neutral, a smile appearing on her face. "I'm in no position to decline, are you sure you don't want to have your first gamble with someone easier to beat?" She cooed in response cockily bluffing.

"Oh, of course not!" Mitsuyo laughed gently, eyes closing as she did so. "I want to destroy your reputation and completely shatter you! I want to make you a housepet, begging for pity of those around you." She cheered, throwing her hands up as she ruffled her already messy hair. "I want to own everything you are. I want your life."

"Then I accept your challenge." Riku replied, expression still coldly neutral. "However, I'm going to choose the game. It'll be a two against two. I pick my partner, and you can pick yours. I naturally pick Aimi Suki." Haruto proposed, calling her team-mate over to her.

"Dazai, care to gamble with me?" Mitsuyo looked over at him with a smile, eyes shining with excitement. He accepted almost instantly, his bored expression finally gone. "Now, what game will we be playing?"

Riku smirked, looking at the gambling table that they were originally lined up in front of. "Higher or lower." She confirmed, looking at her opponents with determination.

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