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chuuya quietly unlocked the apartment door, as he did every morning before getting dazai for today's agenda. a small huff left chuuya's lips, fixing his messy hair with a yawn. it was by no means early, almost about eleven in the morning. neither of the two were morning people.

chuuya kicked his bedroom door open, since it was already cracked. "get your ass up, daza-OH MY FUCK I'M SO SORRY-" he covered his face, turning to leave the bedroom as he saw mitsuyo with him.

osamu let out a cackle, mitsuyo giggling softly with him. she rolled out of the bed, walking over to the door. "chuuya, nothing is happening, you're fine." she laughed softly as the orange-haired man turned around to face her. his face was flushed with a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"what the hell?!? why are you here??? in his bed???" chuuya shouted out his questions, which only caused the two to laugh. dazai pulled a shirt on, walking over to the door.

"she had just gotten out of the hospital and odasaku is off on a mission already. i wasn't gonna leave her alone." osamu explained to his partner, flicking his forehead. chuuya growled, rolling his eyes at dazai.

a tch left nakahara's lips, crossing his arms. "fine! that makes sense. i guess it's easier, anyways. now that everyone's here," he sat down on dazai's couch, "we've got someone to interrogate." mitsuyo clapped her hands excitedly, sliding past dazai to stroll into the kitchen which was across from the couch.

she ruffled around looking to see where everything was in the kitchen. "any information on the person?" dazai asked softly, skooting into the kitchen to help mitsuyo. "what're you looking for, mits?"

"i was just seeing if i could make hot chocolate or something. rei- rei always wanted hot chocolate in the morning so he could pretend he was drinking coffee with odasaku." mitsuyo replied gently, fidgeting with the hoodie again. "he always hated the bitter taste of coffee."

osamu smiled gently, ruffling her already messy hair. he bounced around the kitchen, getting a few ingredients to make hot chocolate.

chuuya grinned to himself, knowing that more happened between them last night than they let off. he was happy for them, as their best friend. he was glad they could find a bit of happiness in their world. "anyways, the man's name is heiken. last name is still unknown to us. he's a german terrorist. there's been many threats from him, so we figured we'd have a little chat with him."

mitsuyo nodded to chuuya as she listened and made hot chocolate. "so, what's the plan? we have dazai ask questions, you get to rough him up, and i get to sit there and look pretty?" she grinned, earning a chuckle and nod from chuuya.

"pretty much. unless you wanna learn a little bit on interrogation from the king over there." he pointed to osamu, who held his hands up as if saying 'guilty as charged'. "might be good for you to learn, now that i'm thinkin' about it."

mitsuyo nodded in agreement, pouring the hot chocolate into three mugs for the team. she placed one on the coffee table in front of chuuya. "try it before we go?" she put on a cute smile, holding her hands up in a prayer position with her sweater paws. she then placed one into dazai's hands, looking up at him with puppy eyes.

"fine!" chuuya growled, picking up the cup and taking a sip. dazai did as well, humming at the taste. "yknow, this is actually pretty damn good, mitsuyo." nakahara complimented, before reaching over to the table again to pick up his hat.

osamu finished his cup, smiling at mitsuyo. "who knew you'd make such good hot chocolate?" he grinned, pulling the hood up over her face. she growled, pretending to be angry at dazai.

"you're an ass! after being the sister of a man who can barely cook curry properly, you learn how to cook." she pouted, flipping osamu off. chuuya got a kick out of it, before getting up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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