04 | Almost There

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Naomi really wanted to drag her feet in misery.

Having to constantly wait on a stressful princess was one thing. It was another thing, however, when said princess was about to impose her burdensome character upon someone of similar importance as she.

The royals of Drakonwell had finally arrived at the Oroden palace, and although exhausted, Naomi had been skittish from the start of their journey. And why not? She was about to come face-to-face with the half-Shade prince who was going to change everything!

For her, of course. Only her.

Naomi's mind had been swimming in schemes from the moment they'd left Drakonwell, completely lost in them.

However, the only thing that had managed to divert her attention from the constant daydreams of her first encounter with the half-Shade was the kingdom itself. Oroden was indeed the most beautiful kingdom she'd ever seen, and she wasn't ashamed to gawk like a lifeless fish at what she beheld.

Gold, gold, and even more gold! Bloody freaking everywhere!

It was mostly all Naomi had seen as soon as the carriage she'd shared with the princess had crossed the kingdom's borders. She had been immediately bombarded with the striking colour, blinding her while she stared out the carriage window. She knew she might have looked like a dumbstruck fool, but damn it all she couldn't stop looking.

Oroden was indeed a rich kingdom, she'd realised then. Naomi had been literally staring at a kingdom of gold. Even some of the village and townhouses had a portion of their structures made out of the same bewitching element. Naomi just couldn't believe it. She could live there and never be poor a day in her life.

With that much gold to steal, or even perhaps, dare she think it, to earn, Naomi could live like a princess. Or even better, a queen. One with a thousand armies ready to kiss her sodden feet.

But one thing bothered her.

Why hadn't any of the Shades back home witnessed this luxury? No one had spoken about it, and no one had bothered to experience it for themselves. That had been the main reason why Naomi hadn't trusted to migrate to Oroden in the first place. There had hardly been any stories, and she hadn't been willing to get caught up in a kingdom poorer than hers.

No bloody way.

But she regretted it. Oh, how she regretted not having someone who had returned to tell the tale. Really, was it that hard to travel three days to Oroden and another three days back to share what a glorious kingdom it was? She didn't understand why some Shades were so selfish. That decision could've saved her three torturous years of Princess Laya's overwhelming presence and overbearing attitude.

Although, she couldn't deny that the gossip was worth it, so she felt it unfair to deny the princess the honour of being one of the best sources of information Naomi had ever had. What a gem Princess Laya could be in times of need. What a gem.

But seriously, Naomi could've spent the whole carriage ride through the kingdom gaping at its scenery, but then all her excitement went up in flames when the dragon princess waited for the precise moment to tell her it was all an illusion.

Naomi hadn't believed it at first, but when she'd entered the palace and had seen how different the interior was from the outside, all her plans for the future concerning Oroden had reduced to nought.

Though she had to admit, that was some damn good-

"Naomi!" Jumping slightly at the mention of her name, Naomi blinked back to the present.

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