Episode 7

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Word count: 936Pages:  5

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Word count: 936
Pages:  5

        [ Want to go Monster Hunting?]

    The echo filled the auditorium. Lucas and Dustin fumbled with with kiddie pools. Hopper and Jonathan went to grab the salts. Nancy and Mike broke into the store house and retrieved the hose.  And Louis sat with Ms.Byers and El. The matriarch of the house promised El to be there and protect her. Louise on the other hand had an uneasy feeling. For the whole day, she's felt lethargic and occasionally met with the feeling of falling accompanies with a ringing headache. She leaned against the classroom cabinet with her eyes closed and opened her eyes to the sound of El saying "yes"

   "Are you guys ready?" Louise called out. Ms.Byers nodded and turned back to El. Her eyes wide and filled with motherly understanding.  "Ready?"

There was a pause. El nodded, "ready."


         The three arrived to the auditorium. El kicked off her shoes, rolled down her socks and placed the googles over her head. Anxiety lingered over the seven people. The auditorium light flicked on and off and El floated in the pool. Louise's headache suddenly returned.

"Gone!"                  "Gone!"
               "Gone!"                   "Gone!"

She heard El's voice echo in her head but it was different voice. It was more panicked and shrill than the voice that was informs of her who was more so whimpering, Gone, gone.

"It's ok." Joyce soothed.

       Louise sat against the lockers. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and and her ears were ringing.  The blue light seems to creep it's way back into Louise's vision.

It's just a panic attack .

It's just a panic attack .

This is normal.

Louise took a deep breath in and out. Maybe she was in shock about Barb's death. But she didn't know Barb that well. The only reason why she and her interacted was because Louise was Steve Harrington's best friend and Steve dated Nancy Wheeler, who was best friends with Barb. It was such a complicated ordeal but the bonded over being the voice of reason, the devils advocate or the angel on the right shoulder. But that was it.  Louise would've never reached to hang out with Barb, ask her to go to the movies, or have late night chit chats. That was how the cookie crumbled. Louise also felt guilty.  Guilty that she managed to run away from the monster that hid in bushes by Harrington's house. But instead it took Barb, who probably never investigated the weird, gutteral sound that emits from the monsters mouth or face?  Barb seemed like the person to listen to her flight more than her investigate and deal with it if it attacks. Louise was more of a investigate then run, if it's something bad. 

'Maybe it should've taken me instead of Barb. ' Louise let out a shaky breath and hid her face in her hands.

"Hey are you okay?" A voice called out

Louise looked up to see her friend. Dustin.

"Oh hey Dusty!" Louise wiping her fictional tears away and turning to look at him.

He frowned. He was obviously of buying it.

"Are you ok?" He reiterated.

Louise sighed. Dustin took that as a cue to sit down next to her.

"It's just been a crazy couple of days..." Louis trailed off. "I got into a fight with Steve."

Dustin deadpanned. "That's it?"


"You know that Joyce and Hopper are going to the lab to enter through the gate..." Louis started off.

Dustin nodded.

"There's another 'portal'" Louise took a deep breath. "And I went inside... into the upside down."

"You what?" Dustin waved his hand around. "Did you see anything?"

"Dustin..." Louise's chest tightened. "I don't know what I saw..." Louise looked Dustin in the eyes. "But I saw something. Something bigger than those monster with the flower face."

"You mean demogorgon."

"Ok, demogorgon."

"I manage to take pictures." Louise nodded. "But something happened in there but I don't know what happened, it's like my brain doesn't want to remember but I keep having dreams and feelings and like.... something like... auditory hallucinations along with intense headaches."

Dustin pondered.

"I don't know if it's like I have some anxiety over this but it's been freaking me out. So much so that I'm scared to develop the pictures..."

"Why won't you develop the pictures?" Dusting asked.

"I- I don't know... I'm afraid it will confirm my dreams are real. That I actually went into the upside down. And I was touched by something??" Louise finished.

There was a moment of silence.

Dustin opened his mouth to say something and then closed it. Louise stared at him. Dustin was like the brother she never had. He was smart and lovable and just a wonderful person to be around. Louise was truly thankful for Dustin.

"Why don't I develop the films and see them for myself." Dustin said.

Louise blinked. "You don't even know how to develop films!" She waved arms in exasperation.

"Ok!" Dustin tried to soothe the girl. "How about you teach me and then I will develop the film and I'll see what the picture reveals."

Louis nodded. She looked at Dustin with a smile.

"What?" His blue shone with confusion.

"Your just too cute Dusty!" Louise voice raises a couple octaves and she wrapped her arm around him.

"G-Get off of me!" Dustin yelped.

"You can't escape my hugs Dusty!"


"Louise!" A voice called from around the corner. Louise released Dustin from her grasps. Dustin let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah." Louise yelled back.

Jonathan and Nancy revealed themselves from the shadows. "You wanna go monster hunting?"

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