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Izuku's POV:

I knock on Kirishima's door and he opens it. " Hey Midoriya!! Nice to see ya man! You're one of the first to come."
"Oh cool! Hehe."
"Well, you can come in ya know."
"Oh yea sorry haha."
I walk into Kirishima's house to see Kacchan. Crap.
"Oi, what's Deku doing here shitty hair?"
"I invited him Bakugo. Deal with it."
Kacchan "Tched" and turned his attention to his phone.
After awhile everyone started showing up like Iida, Ururaka, Tsu, Momo, and Jirou. Everyone was talking and having a great time including me. After some more time everyone else showed up except Todoroki. I was staring to lose hope that he was coming until there was a quiet knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" Kirishima exclaimed. He ran over to the door and opened revealing the hottest guy ever. He was wearing casual clothes but he still looked amazing even in a white T-shirt and jeans. I could feel a blush come over me right when I saw him. I soon realized I was staring at him and he seemed to notice too. He looked at me a smirk forming on his lips. This only made my blush more noticeable so I quickly looked at the floor covering my face.

Todoroki's POV:

Everyone had been talking and having a good time for about an hour now. Nothing interesting was happening. It was honestly getting boring and I couldn't stop looking over at the smiling Midoriya. Luckily he hasn't noticed me yet. Right when I was getting lost in my thoughts about Midoriya, Denki started talking.
" Hey guys! We should all play a game!" He said.
" Yea like spin the bottle!" Sero added.
" Yea that will definitely spice things up!" Said Kirishima.
" Is everyone down?" Denki questioned. Everyone nodded in agreement.
" ok great! I'll go get a bottle!" Kirishima exclaimed running to get a bottle. When he came back everyone was already in a circle and ready to play including Midoriya.
"Ok who's gonna go first?" Sero said looking at everyone.
"I'll go!" Momo said happily. She spun the bottle and it landed on Jirou. Everyone looked at them and said a round of "ooooOOOOoooossss". The two girls got up from their spots and exchanged a quick peck on the lips. They both sat down and the game continued. Bakugo ended up kissing Kirishima, Ururaka kissed Iida, and a bunch of other people kissed each other. It wasn't that interesting until my turn.
"Ok it's your turn Todoroki." Sero said and everyone looked at me. I spun the bottle and everyone watched it spin around and around. When it came to a stop everyone was surprised because it landed on ... Midoriya.

Midoriya's POV:

I watched the bottle spin that was spun by my crush. I watched as it landed on.. me. My mouth dropped and everyone looked at me. I felt a dark blush spread across my face as I looked at the bottle spun by Todoroki.
"That nerd and half N half? Haha haha!!!" Kacchan laughed. I looked at Todoroki across the circle. He looked at me with a small smirk on his face. He then stood up and motioned for me to do the same. I stood up and he walked over to me. I was expecting a small peck but he had other ideas. He softly grabbed my arms and put them around his neck. He then put his arms around my waist so we were now only inches apart. Our lips touched and he kissed me passionately. I was so surprised but realized I should kiss back so I did. Our kiss lasted for about eight seconds which was way longer than anyone else's. We both pulled away from the kiss and stared deeply into each others eyes for a good three seconds. After that we both realized our classmates were starring at us. Some had there mouths open and others were giggling but everyone was amazed at our kiss. We both sat back down in our spots. And even though Todoroki didn't show any emotion I noticed a slight blush on his cheeks. But I knew that I had a dark red blush spread across my cheeks. No one questioned the kiss they all just carried on with the game. But I could tell that they all seemed very satisfied after our kiss. I didn't care all I knew was that I was the happiest person ever. I think Todoroki might like me. Wow! Best party ever! But wait. There's still a sleepover!!! What am I going to do!

UwU I liked this chapter. It didn't seem that detailed though sorry bout that. But still hope you enjoyed!!!! -Genavieve 💕

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