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Todoroki's POV:

Once I got home from the sleepover I immediately thought of Izuku. " How am I gonna ask him out?" I muttered and honestly I only had one idea. This idea was to tell him he missed a homework page and then give him one. But the thing is all the problems who already be solved and they'd pretty much be a bunch of reason why he should date me. Then the last question would be do you want to be my boyfriend. And actually now that I think about it'd be better if someone else gave it to him so he'd be surprised when he finds out it's me who wants him. Yeah that's a really long idea but it seems ok and worth a shot at least.

So I got to work making this "homework". I put some really random questions but whatever. I tried my best to make sense of these questions. I also made sure not to give myself away. Hopefully he was into this cheesy stuff cause I kinda am. I love cuddling and giving my hoodies and all that basic boyfriend shit but I don't care I love it. Aaaahhhh now I'm just imagining Midoriya in one of my biggest hoodies. Gosh how he's look soo cute with his messy hair and big and freckles. FRICK! I need to get back to work so I can see that in real life.

I finished the "homework" page and was proud of my work. I mean it looked pretty fuckin real if you ask me. "This is gonna be really interesting." I murmured to myself. It was going to be super interesting and exciting and scary. Crap I just realized he could say no! I didn't even think about that part! Uugghhhh now I'm REALLY nervous. And Monday is only a day away shit!!

Deku's POV:

I can't wait for tomorrow. I really want to see Todoroki. Especially after the kiss and cuddling I hope it won't be awkward. But it's gonna suck cause I don't think he likes me and I really like him like even more after last night. He's just so perfectly imperfect. He always seems so sad or mad or I don't know. I want to be that change I want to always see him happy. Ok then that's my new goal make Todoroki Shoto smile everyday starting tomorrow.

"Tomorrow's the big day" Todoroki and Midoriya said.

Oooffffff I've been writing boring chapters lately sorry bout that. But wow 200 reads that's a shocker. But like thanks and also sorry school is hard so it's hard to have time to write these. Buttttt yea hope you liked this stupid chapter.-Genavieve 🖤

Tododeku fluff 💕Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя