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Shoto's POV:

"BEEP BEEP BEEP" my alarm clock rang. I opened my eyes to see my ceiling. "Ugh is it already time for school?" I questioned talking to myself. Oh shit it's Monday!!! I shot out of bed and started my morning routine. I took a quick shower, brushed my hair, got into my uniform, and I ended up standing in front of my mirror. I stared at myself trying out my best smile. I put my head down giggling to myself at how stupid I looked. "You're really gonna fuck this up." I said to myself. Then my phone buzzed with a familiar number. Midoriya's. I quickly grabbed my phone almost tripping to grab it. I unlocked it and saw the text:

Midoriya: Good morning Todoroki! Hope you have a great day!

My heart skipped a beat he barely ever texts me. We only ever text in the group chat with everyone. Shit I have to reply.

Midoriya's POV:

I was waiting for a response when I heard my phone ding.

Todoroki: Thanks you too.

EEEEEEEE!!!! He answered! Is that a good response I don't even know?! Hopefully that didn't bother him. Uhhh stop thinking about it.

( Time skip to the last class of the day still Deku's POV)

Everyone was sitting in their usual spots and for me that was right behind Todoroki. It's great I get to look at him while he works. Wow that sounded creepy as fuck. But it wasn't supposed to be. Anyways it was the ending of math class and our homework was being handed back to us. I usually always read through my homework when the bell rings. Todoroki handed me the homework and mine seemed to have an extra page but whatever. I started reading the first page which was the topic we covered that day. It was fairly easy so I got the first half page done then I flipped it over and started the backside. The bell rang and everyone started leaving. I finished my first page of homework then looked at the other one. The first questioned said do you like anyone. That's odd this isn't math homework. The questions were all yes or no so I circled yes. I like Todoroki so I obviously had a crush. The second question asked if the person was in class 1-a. I answered yes. The questions were all around that. I gathered all my stuff up after I finished the front side of this "homework". I started walking to the courtyard where I usual do my homework after school. No one is ever there so it's always a great place to focus at. Except today Todoroki was there just me and him. He looked to be reading a book so I didn't want to bother him. I sat on the other side of the courtyard. I kept answering these odd questions. On the back of the paper there was a paragraph that read:

Dear Midoriya,
       You are probably confused by this. I'm sorry for confusing you. But I just wanted to say that I have liked you for awhile now. I didn't know how to tell you so this is what I thought of. But you are the cutest thing I've ever seen. You are so kind and generous with everything and everyone. You truly are the best. Thank you for being you.
                                                        Todoroki Shoto.    

Before I freaked out I read the last question. Will you be my boyfriend? Yes    No
I circled yes and made the paper into a paper airplane. I threw it at Todoroki it landed in front of him and he picked it up. He immediately flipped to the back side and a huge smile spread across his face.

Todoroki's POV:

Will you be my boyfriend? Yes     No
He said yes.
I felt a huge smile and a deep bush come over me. I looked across the courtyard to him and he had a very dark red blush and a huge smile as well. I got up and he did the same. We met in the middle of the beautiful courtyard filled with flowers. I look at the small green boy and pulled him into a tight hug. He obviously didn't expect this because I heard a little gasp escape his mouth. It was so cute though it only made me giggle. I hugged him extremely tight because this boy is all mine.

Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes. Fuck yea. So they're finally together and everyone's happy yay!!!! So I kinda need suggestions now ssooo comment stuff please. I'm not that creative so some ideas would be great. Thank you everyone who has been reading this it really makes me happy how many people have read this. Thank you all so so much. I love you and I hope you liked this also stayed tuned.- Genavieve 🖤

Tododeku fluff 💕Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora