More than a kiss 😘

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Demi's POV:

Me and Todo we're cuddling on his bed for awhile thinking of what we were going to do for the rest of the day. When I decided to ask what exactly we were going to do.
" Are we just gonna lay here all day or are we gonna do something?" I asked bending my neck to see his face.
" I mean it would be a pretty good day if we just stayed here but if you wanna do something I'm down" he said.
" I wanna go somewhere" I said stubbornly.
" Ok Mr. Sassy pants let's go somewhere. How about the movies?" He asked.
" Oooooo yea yea the movies!!" I practically screamed, " Well come on then get uuuppppp."
I then tried dragged him out of his bed and didn't realize how heavy he was. I held his arm with an iron grip and used my whole body to pull him to the edge only for him to fall. He fell right on me. When we both realized the position we were in we both blushed furiously. Todoroki has one leg on either side of my body and our faces we so close we were pretty much touching. For a second he looked really frazzled and confused but then a sense of calm washed over him. He then grabbed my face and kissed me... hard on my lips.

Todoroki's POV:

I had no idea what happened but I was on top of Midoriya and seized the opportunity. I kissed him and I don't mean a gently kiss. I wanted to really feel him and explore a little so I let my tongue venture. I made my way into his mouth exploring every inch, fighting for dominance. He was so confused by what was happening though he didn't even put up a fight. He instead just laid there trying to find a rhythm. He soon did but by that time we were both so out of breath we had to break the kiss.
I just layer there, still on top of him, panting and smiling. He was in the same state. To break the tension he decided to playfully push me off of him. Now we were both laying side by side smiling like two big idiots.
" I actually thought you were gonna eat me." He said out of no where.
" Is that a good or a bad thing." I asked confused.
" I mean I thought it was... kinda hot." He said the last part under his breath.
" Oh well then I'll be sure to try  and actually eat you next time." I said jokingly.
" Haha very funny Todo." He said adorably.
" Todo huh, that's new. I like it." I said.
" Me too." He replied.
We then got up and got ready to go see a movie.

Midoriya's POV:

While we were leaving his house I couldn't get that kiss out of my head. That was the best thing I've ever done in my life. It felt so right when we'd done it. It was so hot. It made me want him even more. I tried to ignore it though because we were going to the movies.
When we got there we decided on what movie to watch. Well I didn't really get a say it was all Todo. I know the exact reason he picked this movie. The first because I hate clowns and the second because he wanted me to jump into his arms. I knew him too well. He picked the movie IT. I hate horror movies and he knew exactly how I was going to react but honestly it'll just give me an excuse to cuddle him so I was down.
" I hate you" I said as we walked into the theater.
" Oh I know." He said back with an evil smile on his face. " But please Izuku try not to pee your pants."
" WHAT??!!!" I screamed practically.
" Jeez I was just kidding chill out." He said through laughs.
" Hmph. Whatever just sit down already:" I muttered.
We both sat down and watched the previews and the whole time I was preparing myself for the terrifying movie we were about to watch. And as it started I gripped Shoto's hand knowing I wasn't going to let it go for the whole time. He gave me a reassuring squeeze as the movie began.

First off I am so sorry. Well actually I shouldn't even be saying that. I have no excuses. But I really am sorry. For many reasons the main one being I haven't wrote a chapter in fucking forever. And the second one for this chapter being complete ass. But I'll try to write another chapter soon. And also I know I said this is a fluff story but I low key wanna put a smut chapter in here. Please comment if there should be a smut chapter because I really wanna write one. Ok that all. Thank you so much if your reading this. - Genavieve🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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