{Stop staring.}

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The day went by faster than you expected. Dib and the new kid, whose name was 'Zim', had went back and forth with eachother over and over again.

You only sighed, rethinking how the other kids had not noticed that Zim was an alien. Which had made you realize how stupid the other kids were, you sighed once more but in frustration and disappointment.

"[Y/N]? You good?" Gaz asked, slight boredom in her voice.

You hummed in response, looking up at Gaz from your food, since it was lunchtime.

"Oh- yeah, I'm good, just thinking." You rubbed the back of your neck with your palm.

Your eyes had wandered to Dib, he was glaring Zim down as Zim sat alone.

"So...Dib?" You asked, setting down your fork.

He looked in your direction, A slightly angered look on his face. It soon softened as he responded,

"Yeah [Y/N]?" Dib smiled softly.

"Mmm...how was Mysterious Mysteries last night?" You had asked, not knowing what to say.

His eyes lit up immediately, as a dorky grin grew on his face.
"You really want to know?"

"Of course!" You smiled back.

"Well-" He started as you immediately tuned him out. You only gave nods and agreed with a 'uh-huh' every now and then.

You were honestly too tired to deal with anything at this point.

Your eyebrows furrowed together slightly as you felt someone glaring daggers at the back of your head.

It got annoying pretty quickly as you glanced to who was causing the glaring...


You put a hand on Dib's shoulder, he immediately shut his mouth as blush coated his cheeks.

"What is it [Y/N]?" Dib asked, following your gaze.

"It's the new kid, Zim. He keeps staring at me-" You sighed, removing your hand from Dib's shoulder.

Dib's eyes narrowed in frustration.

"I'll be right back Dib." You went to stand but Dib grabbed your wrist.

"Oh no [Y/N]. No way I'm letting you go near that Alien." He growled.

You only rolled your eyes.

"Oh please Dib, I'll be fine, trust me." You smiled softly, letting a small chuckle out as well.

Dib's face grew a soft red.

"F-Fine. Just hurry it up.."

You gave a nod and walked to Zim's table, sighing deeply to yourself.

"He-" You started but Zim had cut you off very quickly.

"Why are you here hyooman!? Did the might ZIM say you could even be in my presence!?" He exclaimed, pointing a claw at your face.

By instinct you leaned back, staring at the gloved claw in front of your eyes.

"Uh...w-well..no..." You smiled nervously.

He pulled his arm back, a small yet noticeable smirk plastered on his face.

"So uh- why were you staring at me like...a minute ago-?" You asked, a little unready for his attitude.

He glared at Dib, who happened to be glaring right back at him, before looking back towards you.

"What has that Dib-stink told you?" He leaned closer to you, "Tell me!"

You could practically feel his breath on your cheek and neck, making a small shiver go down your spine.

"Well, we both know something about you Zim." You smirked as his eyes widened slowly.

"You are, in fact, an Alie-" He cut  you off with his hand over your mouth.

Zim growled underneath his breath as the bell rang, signaling that class was starting again.

He removed the gloved claw from your mouth as he went off to Ms. Bitters'.

You smirked once more in victory as Dib walked over to you, giving a slightly worried look.

"What did he say? Did he hurt you? Oh if he did- I'll...I'll-" Dib ranted on slightly until he was cut off by you patting his back.

"Chill out Dibster, I'm fine. He didn't say anything harsh." You gave Dib a reassuring smile as you both walked to Ms. Bitters', leaving Dib a blushing mess.

You sat down in your chair, immediately feeling more glares at your head, knowing that it was Zim.

"Stop staring."

Excuse Me? {Dib x Reader x Zim}Where stories live. Discover now