Personal Space

50 4 15

Deans P.O.V

We drive for another half hour before finding a place secluded enough for Cas to let out his wings. I pull over on the side of the highway and stop the car. The road stretches out in front of us for miles, and there's not another soul in sight. The abandoned field is over grown with grass, and wildflowers that comes up to my knees, which I'm not to keen about.

Ever since my alien encounter, I tend to avoid fields. And long grass. And especially corn.

I take a breath and look up to see Cas, who has made it far into the meadow, and is now unbuttoning his shirt.

"Cas? What are you doing?"

"I'm taking off my shirt."

"Yes I can see that, but why?"

"Because if I am wearing anything when I let out my wings it will get ripped." A breeze pucks up and rustles the grasses.

"Right." I say, feeling stupid. "Um, would you like me to hold on to your clothes? So they don't get lost in this." I gesture to the grass.

"That would be nice, Dean. Thank you."

"Yeah, no problem."

I take a tentative step into the field. Ugh. I shiver at the tops of the flowers that graze my hands. Stupid frickin' aliens. Instead of worrying about aliens, I try to focus on getting to the angel. I look up, which turns out to be a bad idea.

With his shirt off, I can see how low the pants sit on him, exposing the v of his hips and although he has no obvious muscles, his chest and stomach are tight, making him just as attractive. He is quite attractive and I can tell he doesn't know it.

The afternoon sun glints off his raven black hair, and his long eye lashes rimming the bluest eyes to ever blue, cast shadows down his cheeks.

A tingling sensation runs through my stomach causing me to stop walking. That's funny. I've only ever felt like that a few times when I'm drunk and a woman in a bar invites me home. Even than it's only ever sometimes.

I shake my head and take few steps more to reach him, trying not to stare as I take the shirt and jacket from him. He undoes his tie and drapes it over my arm.

"I'll wait at the car." I say

I'm almost back to Baby when I hear his wings unfurl. A gentle gust of warm air whirls by, carrying his scent with it. Clutching the soft fabric of his shirt, I try not to look behind me.

It takes a lot of self control not to turn around. I really want to see his wings I admit to myself, but I can't look. Otherwise Cas would be bound to me forever and I'm not sure he would want that. It wouldn't be fair. I don't want to be the reason he loses his wings.

I stand at the impala, folding then re-folding his shirt to distract myself.

"Dean?" I hear from behind me.

"Yeah, Cas?"

"Would you mind if I flew? Just for a few minutes."

"You don't need to ask permission. Go ahead." I call back.

I hear a loud beating of wings before another breeze comes past me. It's stronger than the last, the smell of honey and oak wood ruffles through my hair. Sensing he is gone, I finally turn around. The grass is flattened in a circle where he was standing a moment before. The field seems bigger, emptier without him in it.

I sigh, realizing I've already gotten used to the angels presence. Even though I know he'll come back, I can't help but feel alone again. Being a hunter means you see a lot of death, and cause even more. I've always had a pit in my stomach, but since I lost Sammy it has become more pronounced. I'd never admit it outloud, but I despise being alone.

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