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(For the above art, the character belongs to me and the original template belongs to its owner.)

Daemon is a half-breed, born of a demon father and human mother. He never met his father, but his mother was kind and gentle. She protected him from those who would do him harm. Every time he looks in the mirror he is reminded of her through the sapphire eyes they share. His hair,black instead of her deep brown, he apparently inherited from the man who sired him.

Very few humans know about the world that overlaps ours, but the ones that do are extremely judgmental of those beings that reside in that world. And so they sought the life of the newborn half-breed abomination. Daemon's mother feared them, though they told her if she just handed the babe over she would be spared. She would never let her son come to harm, regardless of the circumstances of his conception, he was her son and she would do anything to protect him.

So she fled. She ran from the humans who would claim her son's life,never staying in one place for too long. She kept this up for years before they found her.

Puberty is a tough time for normal kids, never mind half-demon children. This is what Daemon discovered when he simply wished to disappear from the sight of humans killing his mother after she hid him in the closet.His eyes were focused on the closet door as he pressed his back against the wall more and more in fear and hopes of escape. He knew they would find him eventually. If only he could-

He fell backwards, and his hands sank into the floor. Was that the floor? It was soft and caved in a bit at his weight. He looked back to find his hand was only inches from a pool of bubbling mud, and all around the barren, acidic looking ground there were small holes that occasionally vented hot steam and sulfurous gases. Suddenly a vent erupted near him, making him cry out in horror and clutch his hands to his collar. Worried his outcry would draw the attention of the humans, he looked behind himself.

There was no closet door. There was no house. There was only more of this twisted landscape stretching in all directions.

Daemon tried to calm his breathing like his mother taught him, but nothing was working. He stood on shaky legs and ran as far and as fast as he could. The scenery never changed. Was this a nightmare?

"Wake up, wake up!" He smacked his face on both cheeks to try and wake himself as he paused to catch his breath.

"Poor child, this is no dream." The voice that spoke was calm but chilling instead of comforting, it sent a shiver down Daemon's spine."This is the Demon Realm, and you now belong to me."

Daemon turned to see who was speaking and screamed.


Daemon shivered in his box. A literal ice box, a box made of ice. So thick and strong he couldn't get out. He was only a twelve year old human child after all. After watching humans kill his mother, he didn't know where he belonged anymore. So here he was in a realm he didn't know how he got into or how to get out of, in a box made of ice by some unknown demon. When the box unsealed itself he knew he was only going to receive one thing: pain.

Eventually,he managed to escape after tricking the demon and wishing, for the first time, to find a human. As he ran away his wishing started to cause the world in front of him to shift and change, it seemed almost liquid. He ran towards the abnormality, tripping and almost falling as his feet found themselves on pavement. He had never been so happy to see humans or pavement. While the humans were awful to him, at least he could hurt them by conventional means. His attempts to fight the demon off with such means proved futile.

He looked behind himself to see the demon realm was gone. There was just the human city with its smells and sounds. The noise, oh the noise!He crouched on the spot, covering his ears with his hands and crying out in pain. The demon realm, while terrible, was relatively quiet inits solitude. Finding himself in physical pain at the sheer amount of noise shocking his ears, he simply stayed where he was and tried to overcome it. Then, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He jumped away from the touch, looking towards the being that had touched him. It was a startled looking redheaded human woman, who simply stood and looked at him with surprised green eyes for a moment.

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