Normal is Relative

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(For the above art, the character belongs to me and the original template belongs to its owner.)

(This chapter is dedicated to my high school friend, Shari, who was always there for me when I needed company or cheering up. I'm glad we're still friends and I hope I was able to be there for you too xoxo))


This school was as normal as it got. It was a three floor red brick building that had been around for a few generations. Many of those generations went to the same school as their parents and grandparents, so there were always enough students to keep this school going. It wasn't fancy or run-down, just normal. Normal and boring. Sometimes, boring was nice.

Daemon was an average student. As rebellious as he was in the rest of his life, he wasn't a troublemaker here unless someone needed protecting. He got in fights at least once a week. He wasn't early for class but was rarely late. He wasn't a teacher's pet nor did he get his homework done, but he was an attentive student and did relatively well on tests. His teachers had simply decided his learning style was different than the rest.

"Hey Daemon," a familiar voice called, "got some free time?"

Daemon looked up from the chairs he was laid across, "for you? Always."

The attractive young man standing in the music room doorway grinned at him. His green eyes sparkled as he pushed his short blonde hair out of his face, "we're down a man. Mind stepping in?"

"Sure,"Daemon hopped to his feet, "let me guess, Jacob is off flirting again," he said, slipping his hands into his pockets and falling into step with the other man.

"However did you know," the other boy chuckled.

"Man,Miles, you have your hands full with that one."

Miles shrugged, "it is what it is. He skips out on rehearsals but he always shows up for performances."

"I guess he's forgiven then," Daemon sighed dramatically.

Miles chuckled.

"There you are, young man," a stern voice snapped.

"Busted,"Miles whispered, making an apologetic motion before scurrying off.

Daemon sighed heavily, here we go.

"Skipping class again, are we?"

Daemon turned to the older man and made a point to slouch, "we both know I'm a level above that class."

The white-haired man narrowed his mud brown eyes and spat, "your academic prowess in demonic lore is no reason to disrespect the effort the professor puts into the class."

Daemon scoffed, "what effort? The geezer practically reads the textbook aloud. That's not a class."

"What eff- How dare you speak about your seniors that way? And what's that on your face,"he demanded, pointing.

Daemon wiped a hand across his cheek and looked at it, "I don't see anything. Is there something on my face?"

"You know damn well what I mean, you little ba-"

"Professor McClain, is there a problem?" A tall, slender man approached at a casual pace.

The old man's face turned bright red with rage as he fumed, "this ruffian was skipping class!"

The other man casually slipped his hands into his trouser pockets and raised an eyebrow, "that permits you to use foul language,breaking the rules of the school that employs you?"

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