Repercussions (WIP)

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(Forthe above art, the character belongs to me and the original templatebelongs to its owner.)


"Damn thisplace is infested," he growled as he pivoted to avoid an attackaimed at his throat, "I'll be lucky to make it to the relic inone piece," he cut down the offending demon and rana few steps to higher ground so he could keep an eye out whilecatching his breath.

Thisforest was thick with trees with bark that looked like rashes andpustules for leaves. The ground was the colour and consistency ofbruises, the same blue-black he recognized from his own bruises. Thetall, lanky demons continued their approach. Their skin was black aspitch and their fingers ended in deadly claws. He kept their positionin mind, but continued his search, his eyes scanning.

"Speakof the devilry," he smiled and looked around.

Thepath to the relic seemed clear, so he dashed over to it and scoopedup the fist-sized ebony sphere. As Daemon moved to slip it into hismessenger bag, he flinched when it suddenly produced spikes that cuthis hand and caused him to lose his grip on it. As it fell he movedto brace it between his palm and his jean-clad hip to stop it fromfalling. Instead of catching it, the relic sank through his jeans andinto his hip. Shocked, he lifted his shirt a bit to look at the spotwhere it had vanished. There, he found a tattoo. It didn't even hurtbut now there was no relic, just what looked like a character of someforeign language. May be it was demonic? He'd have to ask Tommy, hewas the one holding onto the relics and studying them, maybe he'dlearned something new.


Daemonshifted his weight awkwardly as he held his shirt up so Tommy couldexamine the new tattoo.

"Fascinating!You say you just pushed it into your body," Tommy asked, withouttaking his eyes off Daemon's hip.

"Yeah,it fell and I tried to catch it between my hand and my hip, and herewe are."

"Well, it seems to have traveled up your back."

Daemon sighed and took off his shirt, nothing for it now, they needed to see how far it went.

"Yes, up and over the shoulders," Tommy said, circling Daemon as he followed the tattoo with his eyes, but he thankfully knew better than to touch Daemon.

"Yeah, and around my arms and wrists," Daemon said, looking at the scrawl that spiraled down his arms until it circled each wrist.

Tommylooked at Daemon and straightened, "would you be willing to seeif it works with the other relics?"

Daemonimmediately pulled his shirt back on to cover himself again, relieved Tommywas done examining him, "sure, why not."

Tommybeamed like a child who was just told he'd get exactly what he wantedfor Christmas and moved over to the cabinet where he stored therelics Daemon had given him. He chose one, a small coat of arms, and offered it to Daemon.

"Heregoes," Daemon took a deep breath and blew it out as he pressedthe relic into his forearm. Immediately, the relic sunk into his skinand another tattoo appeared all along the inside of his forearm.

Tommymade an excited sound and looked at the demonic script, "protection,"he translated aloud.

"Huh,maybe now I can defend myself without my arms getting slashed toribbons."

"That'sgenerally a good thing," Jane commented dryly.

Daemongave her a winning smile and picked up the relic he had obtained on his first re-entry into the Supernatural Plane, the gunmetal orb that got heavier the longer you held it. He pushed the familiar relic into his arm and felt a tingle on the inside of his other hip. He lifted the hem of his shirt to find another tattoo there.

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